Backlight is a feature used to control array of LEDs, usually placed through or under switches. Unlike [RGB Underglow](, backlight currently allows only one color per LED, also LEDs are not addressable, so you can't control individual LEDs.
Backlight is a feature used to control an array of LEDs, usually placed through or under switches.
Unlike [RGB Underglow](, backlight can only control single color LEDs. Additionally, because backlight LEDs all receive the same power, it's not possible to dim individual LEDs.
RGB underglow is a feature used to control "strips" of RGB LEDs. Most of the time this is called underglow and creates a glow underneath the board using a ring of LEDs around the edge, hence the name. However, this can be extended to be used to control anything from a single LED to a long string of LEDs anywhere on the keyboard.
RGB underglow can also be used for under-key lighting. If you have RGB LEDs on your keyboard, this is what you want. For PWM/single color LEDs, see [Backlight](
ZMK supports all the RGB LEDs supported by Zephyr. Here's the current list supported:
- WS2812-ish (WS2812B, WS2813, SK6812, or compatible)