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* Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Johanson <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT zmk_behavior_key_press
#include <device.h>
#include <drivers/behavior.h>
#include <logging/log.h>
#include <zmk/events.h>
struct behavior_key_press_config { };
struct behavior_key_press_data { };
static int behavior_key_press_init(struct device *dev)
return 0;
// They keycode is passed by the "keymap" based on the parameter created as part of the assignment.
// Other drivers instead might activate a layer, update the consumer page state, or update the RGB state, etc.
// Returns:
// * > 0 - indicate successful processing, and halt further handling,
// * 0 - Indicate successful processing, and continue propagation.
// * < 0 - Indicate error processing, report and halt further propagation.
static int on_position_pressed(struct device *dev, u32_t keycode, u32_t _)
LOG_DBG("pressing: %d", keycode);
return zmk_events_keycode_pressed(keycode);
// They keycode is passed by the "keymap" based on the parameter created as part of the assignment.
static int on_position_released(struct device *dev, u32_t keycode, u32_t _)
LOG_DBG("releasing: %d", keycode);
return zmk_events_keycode_released(keycode);
static const struct behavior_driver_api behavior_key_press_driver_api = {
// These callbacks are all optional, and define which kinds of events the behavior can handle.
// They can reference local functions defined here, or shared event handlers.
.position_pressed = on_position_pressed,
.position_released = on_position_released
// Other optional callbacks a behavior can implement
// .on_mouse_moved
// .on_sensor_data - Any behaviour that wants to be linked to a censor can implement this behavior
static const struct behavior_key_press_config behavior_key_press_config = {};
static struct behavior_key_press_data behavior_key_press_data;
DEVICE_AND_API_INIT(behavior_key_press, DT_INST_LABEL(0), behavior_key_press_init,