//! Among these features, `ctru` also automatically includes functionality to properly integrate the Rust `std` with the console, which the developer would otherwise need to implement manually.
//! # Usage
//! Read thoroughly the official [`ctru` wiki](https://github.com/rust3ds/ctru-rs/wiki) which guides you through the setup needed to install the required toolchain and helpful tools.
//! After following the guide and understanding the many quirks of the Nintendo 3DS homebrew development environment, you can create a new project by including this crate as a dependency
//! of your project in your `Cargo.toml` manifest and build your binaries either manually (for the `armv6k-nintendo-3ds` target) or via [`cargo-3ds`](https://github.com/rust3ds/cargo-3ds).
//! # Examples
//! You can check out the examples provided with this crate which dive into most of the implemented functionality.