#[doc = "Creates a command header to be used for IPC\n # Arguments\n\n* `command_id` - ID of the command to create a header for.\n * `normal_params` - Size of the normal parameters in words. Up to 63.\n * `translate_params` - Size of the translate parameters in words. Up to 63.\n # Returns\n\nThe created IPC header.\n\n Normal parameters are sent directly to the process while the translate parameters might go through modifications and checks by the kernel.\n The translate parameters are described by headers generated with the IPC_Desc_* functions.\n\n > **Note:** While #normal_params is equivalent to the number of normal parameters, #translate_params includes the size occupied by the translate parameters headers."]
#[link_name = "IPC_MakeHeader__extern"]
command_id: u16_,
normal_params: ::libc::c_uint,
translate_params: ::libc::c_uint,
)-> u32_;
#[doc = "Creates a header to share handles\n # Arguments\n\n* `number` - The number of handles following this header. Max 64.\n # Returns\n\nThe created shared handles header.\n\n The #number next values are handles that will be shared between the two processes.\n\n > **Note:** Zero values will have no effect."]
#[doc = "Creates the header to transfer handle ownership\n # Arguments\n\n* `number` - The number of handles following this header. Max 64.\n # Returns\n\nThe created handle transfer header.\n\n The #number next values are handles that will be duplicated and closed by the other process.\n\n > **Note:** Zero values will have no effect."]
#[doc = "Returns the code to ask the kernel to fill the handle with the current process ID.\n # Returns\n\nThe code to request the current process ID.\n\n The next value is a placeholder that will be replaced by the current process ID by the kernel."]
#[doc = "Creates a header describing a static buffer.\n # Arguments\n\n* `size` - Size of the buffer. Max ?0x03FFFF?.\n * `buffer_id` - The Id of the buffer. Max 0xF.\n # Returns\n\nThe created static buffer header.\n\n The next value is a pointer to the buffer. It will be copied to TLS offset 0x180 + static_buffer_id*8."]
#[doc = "Creates a header describing a buffer to be sent over PXI.\n # Arguments\n\n* `size` - Size of the buffer. Max 0x00FFFFFF.\n * `buffer_id` - The Id of the buffer. Max 0xF.\n * `is_read_only` - true if the buffer is read-only. If false, the buffer is considered to have read-write access.\n # Returns\n\nThe created PXI buffer header.\n\n The next value is a phys-address of a table located in the BASE memregion."]
#[doc = "Creates a header describing a buffer from the main memory.\n # Arguments\n\n* `size` - Size of the buffer. Max 0x0FFFFFFF.\n * `rights` - The rights of the buffer for the destination process.\n # Returns\n\nThe created buffer header.\n\n The next value is a pointer to the buffer."]
#[doc = "Initializes a DmaConfig instance with sane defaults for RAM<>RAM tranfers"]
#[link_name = "dmaConfigInitDefault__extern"]
pubfndmaConfigInitDefault(cfg: *mutDmaConfig);
#[doc = "Memory management\n# *\n* Controls memory mapping\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr_out` (direction out) - The virtual address resulting from the operation. Usually the same as addr0.\n * `addr0` - The virtual address to be used for the operation.\n * `addr1` - The virtual address to be (un)mirrored by `addr0` when using MEMOP_MAP or MEMOP_UNMAP.\n It has to be pointing to a RW memory.\n* Use NULL if the operation is MEMOP_FREE or MEMOP_ALLOC.\n * `size` - The requested size for MEMOP_ALLOC and MEMOP_ALLOC_LINEAR.\n * `op` - Operation flags. See MemOp.\n * `perm` - A combination of MEMPERM_READ and MEMPERM_WRITE. Using MEMPERM_EXECUTE will return an error.\n Value 0 is used when unmapping memory.\n*\n* If a memory is mapped for two or more addresses, you have to use MEMOP_UNMAP before being able to MEMOP_FREE it.\n* MEMOP_MAP will fail if `addr1` was already mapped to another address.\n\n* More information is available at http://3dbrew.org/wiki/SVC#Memory_Mapping.\n*\n* [`svcControlProcessMemory`]\n/"]
#[doc = "Retrieves basic information about a service error.\n # Arguments\n\n* `error` - Error to retrieve information about.\n # Returns\n\nA string containing a summary of an error.\n\n This can be used to get some details about an error returned by a service call."]
#[doc = "Gets the system's FIRM version.\n # Returns\n\nThe system's FIRM version.\n\n This can be used to compare system versions easily with SYSTEM_VERSION."]
#[link_name = "osGetFirmVersion__extern"]
pubfnosGetFirmVersion()-> u32_;
#[doc = "Gets the system's kernel version.\n # Returns\n\nThe system's kernel version.\n\n This can be used to compare system versions easily with SYSTEM_VERSION.\n\n if(osGetKernelVersion() > SYSTEM_VERSION(2,46,0)) printf(\"You are running 9.0 or higher"]
#[link_name = "osGetKernelVersion__extern"]
pubfnosGetKernelVersion()-> u32_;
#[doc = "Gets the system's \"core version\" (2 on NATIVE_FIRM, 3 on SAFE_FIRM, etc.)"]
#[link_name = "osGetSystemCoreVersion__extern"]
pubfnosGetSystemCoreVersion()-> u32_;
#[doc = "Gets the system's memory layout ID (0-5 on Old 3DS, 6-8 on New 3DS)"]
#[link_name = "osGetApplicationMemType__extern"]
pubfnosGetApplicationMemType()-> u32_;
#[doc = "Gets the size of the specified memory region.\n # Arguments\n\n* `region` - Memory region to check.\n # Returns\n\nThe size of the memory region, in bytes."]
#[doc = "Gets the number of used bytes within the specified memory region.\n # Arguments\n\n* `region` - Memory region to check.\n # Returns\n\nThe number of used bytes of memory."]
#[doc = "Gets the number of free bytes within the specified memory region.\n # Arguments\n\n* `region` - Memory region to check.\n # Returns\n\nThe number of free bytes of memory."]
#[doc = "Gets the current Wifi signal strength.\n # Returns\n\nThe current Wifi signal strength.\n\n Valid values are 0-3:\n - 0 means the signal strength is terrible or the 3DS is disconnected from\n all networks.\n - 1 means the signal strength is bad.\n - 2 means the signal strength is decent.\n - 3 means the signal strength is good.\n\n Values outside the range of 0-3 should never be returned.\n\n These values correspond with the number of wifi bars displayed by Home Menu."]
#[link_name = "osGetWifiStrength__extern"]
pubfnosGetWifiStrength()-> u8_;
#[doc = "Gets the state of the 3D slider.\n # Returns\n\nThe state of the 3D slider (0.0~1.0)"]
#[link_name = "osGet3DSliderState__extern"]
pubfnosGet3DSliderState()-> f32;
#[doc = "Checks whether a headset is connected.\n # Returns\n\ntrue or false."]
#[link_name = "osIsHeadsetConnected__extern"]
pubfnosIsHeadsetConnected()-> bool;
#[doc = "Configures the New 3DS speedup.\n # Arguments\n\n* `enable` - Specifies whether to enable or disable the speedup."]
#[doc = "< The maximum release count of the semaphore"]
pubmax_count: s16,
#[doc = "Performs a Data Synchronization Barrier operation."]
#[link_name = "__dsb__extern"]
#[doc = "Performs a Data Memory Barrier operation."]
#[link_name = "__dmb__extern"]
#[doc = "Performs a clrex operation."]
#[link_name = "__clrex__extern"]
#[doc = "Performs a ldrex operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n # Returns\n\nThe resulting value."]
#[link_name = "__ldrex__extern"]
pubfn__ldrex(addr: *muts32)-> s32;
#[doc = "Performs a strex operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n * `val` - Value to store.\n # Returns\n\nWhether the operation was successful."]
#[link_name = "__strex__extern"]
pubfn__strex(addr: *muts32,val: s32)-> bool;
#[doc = "Performs a ldrexh operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n # Returns\n\nThe resulting value."]
#[link_name = "__ldrexh__extern"]
pubfn__ldrexh(addr: *mutu16_)-> u16_;
#[doc = "Performs a strexh operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n * `val` - Value to store.\n # Returns\n\nWhether the operation was successful."]
#[link_name = "__strexh__extern"]
pubfn__strexh(addr: *mutu16_,val: u16_)-> bool;
#[doc = "Performs a ldrexb operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n # Returns\n\nThe resulting value."]
#[link_name = "__ldrexb__extern"]
pubfn__ldrexb(addr: *mutu8_)-> u8_;
#[doc = "Performs a strexb operation.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Address to perform the operation on.\n * `val` - Value to store.\n # Returns\n\nWhether the operation was successful."]
#[link_name = "__strexb__extern"]
pubfn__strexb(addr: *mutu8_,val: u8_)-> bool;
#[doc = "Function used to implement user-mode synchronization primitives.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Pointer to a signed 32-bit value whose address will be used to identify waiting threads.\n * `type` - Type of action to be performed by the arbiter\n * `value` - Number of threads to signal if using ARBITRATION_SIGNAL, or the value used for comparison.\n\n This will perform an arbitration based on #type. The comparisons are done between #value and the value at the address #addr.\n\n s32 val=0;\n // Does *nothing* since val >= 0\n syncArbitrateAddress(&val,ARBITRATION_WAIT_IF_LESS_THAN,0);\n > **Note:** Usage of this function entails an implicit Data Memory Barrier (dmb)."]
#[doc = "Wakes up threads waiting on a condition variable.\n # Arguments\n\n* `cv` - Pointer to the condition variable.\n * `num_threads` - Maximum number of threads to wake up (or ARBITRATION_SIGNAL_ALL to wake them all)."]
#[doc = "Wakes up a single thread waiting on a condition variable.\n # Arguments\n\n* `cv` - Pointer to the condition variable."]
#[link_name = "CondVar_Signal__extern"]
pubfnCondVar_Signal(cv: *mutCondVar);
#[doc = "Wakes up all threads waiting on a condition variable.\n # Arguments\n\n* `cv` - Pointer to the condition variable."]
#[link_name = "CondVar_Broadcast__extern"]
pubfnCondVar_Broadcast(cv: *mutCondVar);
#[doc = "Initializes a light event.\n # Arguments\n\n* `event` - Pointer to the event.\n * `reset_type` - Type of reset the event uses (RESET_ONESHOT/RESET_STICKY)."]
#[doc = "Exits the current libctru thread with an exit code (not usable from the main thread).\n # Arguments\n\n* `rc` - Exit code"]
pubfnthreadExit(rc: ::libc::c_int)-> !;
#[doc = "Sets the exception handler for the current thread. Called from the main thread, this sets the default handler.\n # Arguments\n\n* `handler` - The exception handler, necessarily an ARM function that does not return\n * `stack_top` - A pointer to the top of the stack that will be used by the handler. See also RUN_HANDLER_ON_FAULTING_STACK\n * `exception_data` - A pointer to the buffer that will contain the exception data.\nSee also WRITE_DATA_TO_HANDLER_STACK and WRITE_DATA_TO_FAULTING_STACK\n\n To have CPU exceptions reported through this mechanism, it is normally necessary that UNITINFO is set to a non-zero value when Kernel11 starts,\n and this mechanism is also controlled by svcKernelSetState type 6, see 3dbrew.\n\n VFP exceptions are always reported this way even if the process is being debugged using the debug SVCs.\n\n The current thread need not be a libctru thread."]
#[doc = "Gets the number of bytes per pixel for the specified format.\n # Arguments\n\n* `format` - See GSPGPU_FramebufferFormat.\n # Returns\n\nBytes per pixel."]
#[doc = "Gets whether the application was launched from a homebrew environment.\n # Returns\n\nWhether the application was launched from a homebrew environment."]
#[link_name = "envIsHomebrew__extern"]
pubfnenvIsHomebrew()-> bool;
#[doc = "Retrieves a handle from the environment handle list.\n # Arguments\n\n* `name` - Name of the handle.\n # Returns\n\nThe retrieved handle."]
#[doc = "Returns true if there is an incoming HOME button press rejected by the policy set by aptSetHomeAllowed (use this to show a \"no HOME allowed\" icon)."]
pubfnaptCheckHomePressRejected()-> bool;
#[doc = "> **Deprecated** Alias for aptCheckHomePressRejected."]
#[doc = "Main function which handles sleep mode and HOME/power buttons - call this at the beginning of every frame.\n # Returns\n\ntrue if the application should keep running, false otherwise (see aptShouldClose)."]
#[doc = "Gets an applet's information.\n # Arguments\n\n* `appID` - AppID of the applet.\n * `pProgramID` - Pointer to output the program ID to.\n * `pMediaType` - Pointer to output the media type to.\n * `pRegistered` - Pointer to output the registration status to.\n * `pLoadState` - Pointer to output the load state to.\n * `pAttributes` - Pointer to output the applet atrributes to."]
#[doc = "Gets the 0x100-byte RSA-2048 SecureInfo signature.\n # Arguments\n\n* `data` - Pointer to output the buffer. (The size must be at least 0x100-bytes)"]
#[doc = "Converts a vol-pan pair into a left/right volume pair used by the hardware.\n # Arguments\n\n* `vol` - Volume to use.\n * `pan` - Pan to use.\n # Returns\n\nA left/right volume pair for use by hardware."]
#[doc = "Creates a packed card SPI transfer option value.\n # Arguments\n\n* `baudRate` - Baud rate to use when transferring.\n * `busMode` - Bus mode to use when transferring.\n # Returns\n\nA packed card SPI transfer option value."]
#[link_name = "pxiDevMakeTransferOption__extern"]
baudRate: FS_CardSpiBaudRate,
busMode: FS_CardSpiBusMode,
)-> u8_;
#[doc = "Creates a packed card SPI wait operation value.\n # Arguments\n\n* `waitType` - Type of wait to perform.\n * `deassertType` - Type of register deassertion to perform.\n * `timeout` - Timeout, in nanoseconds, to wait, if applicable.\n # Returns\n\nA packed card SPI wait operation value."]
#[link_name = "pxiDevMakeWaitOperation__extern"]
waitType: PXIDEV_WaitType,
deassertType: PXIDEV_DeassertType,
timeout: u64_,
)-> u64_;
#[doc = "Performs multiple card SPI writes and reads.\n # Arguments\n\n* `header` - Header to lead the transfers with. Must be, at most, 8 bytes in size.\n * `writeBuffer1` - Buffer to make first transfer from.\n * `readBuffer1` - Buffer to receive first response to.\n * `writeBuffer2` - Buffer to make second transfer from.\n * `readBuffer2` - Buffer to receive second response to.\n * `footer` - Footer to follow the transfers with. Must be, at most, 8 bytes in size. Wait operation is unused."]
#[doc = "Waits for a GX command queue to finish executing pending commands.\n # Arguments\n\n* `queue` - The GX command queue.\n * `timeout` - Optional timeout (in nanoseconds) to wait (specify -1 for no timeout).\n # Returns\n\nfalse if timeout expired, true otherwise."]
#[doc = "Sets the completion callback for a GX command queue.\n # Arguments\n\n* `queue` - The GX command queue.\n * `callback` - The completion callback.\n * `user` - User data."]
#[doc = "Selects a command queue to which GX_* functions will add commands instead of immediately submitting them to GX.\n # Arguments\n\n* `queue` - The GX command queue. (Pass NULL to remove the bound command queue)"]
#[doc = "Sets the GPU command buffer to use.\n # Arguments\n\n* `adr` - Pointer to the command buffer.\n * `size` - Size of the command buffer.\n * `offset` - Offset of the command buffer."]
#[doc = "Sets the offset of the GPU command buffer.\n # Arguments\n\n* `offset` - Offset of the command buffer."]
#[link_name = "GPUCMD_SetBufferOffset__extern"]
pubfnGPUCMD_SetBufferOffset(offset: u32_);
#[doc = "Gets the current GPU command buffer.\n # Arguments\n\n* `addr` - Pointer to output the command buffer to.\n * `size` - Pointer to output the size (in words) of the command buffer to.\n * `offset` - Pointer to output the offset of the command buffer to."]
#[doc = "Adds raw GPU commands to the current command buffer.\n # Arguments\n\n* `cmd` - Buffer containing commands to add.\n * `size` - Size of the buffer."]
#[doc = "Configures input validation in a software keyboard.\n # Arguments\n\n* `swkbd` - Pointer to swkbd state.\n * `validInput` - Specifies which inputs are valid.\n * `filterFlags` - Bitmask specifying which characters are disallowed (filtered).\n * `maxDigits` - In case digits are disallowed, specifies how many digits are allowed at maximum in input strings (0 completely restricts digit input)."]
#[link_name = "swkbdSetValidation__extern"]
swkbd: *mutSwkbdState,
validInput: SwkbdValidInput,
filterFlags: u32_,
maxDigits: ::libc::c_int,
#[doc = "Configures what characters will the two bottom keys in a numpad produce.\n # Arguments\n\n* `swkbd` - Pointer to swkbd state.\n * `left` - Unicode codepoint produced by the leftmost key in the bottom row (0 hides the key).\n * `left` - Unicode codepoint produced by the rightmost key in the bottom row (0 hides the key)."]
#[doc = "Specifies which special features are enabled in a software keyboard.\n # Arguments\n\n* `swkbd` - Pointer to swkbd state.\n * `features` - Feature bitmask."]
#[doc = "Retrieves the result condition of a software keyboard after it has been used.\n # Arguments\n\n* `swkbd` - Pointer to swkbd state.\n # Returns\n\nThe result value."]
#[doc = "Specifies which user Miis will be selectable\n\n # Arguments\n\n* `conf` - Pointer to miiSelector configuration\n * `index` - Index of the user Miis that will be blacklisted.\n MIISELECTOR_USERMII_SLOTS can be used to blacklist all the user Miis"]
#[doc = "Specifies which Mii the cursor should start from\n\n # Arguments\n\n* `conf` - Pointer to miiSelector configuration\n * `index` - Indexed number of the Mii that the cursor will start on.\n If there is no mii with that index, the the cursor will start at the Mii\n with the index 0 (the personal Mii)."]
#[doc = "Get Mii name\n\n # Arguments\n\n* `returnbuf` - Pointer to miiSelector return\n * `out` - String containing a Mii's name\n * `max_size` - Size of string. Since UTF8 characters range in size from 1-3 bytes\n (assuming that no non-BMP characters are used), this value should be 36 (or 30 if you are not\n dealing with guest miis)."]
#[doc = "Fixes the pointers internal to a just-loaded font\n # Arguments\n\n* `font` - Font to fix\n > Should never be run on the system font, and only once on any other font."]
pubfnfontFixPointers(font: *mutCFNT_s);
#[doc = "Gets the currently loaded system font"]
#[link_name = "fontGetSystemFont__extern"]
pubfnfontGetSystemFont()-> *mutCFNT_s;
#[doc = "Retrieves the font information structure of a font.\n # Arguments\n\n* `font` - Pointer to font structure. If NULL, the shared system font is used."]
#[link_name = "fontGetInfo__extern"]
pubfnfontGetInfo(font: *mutCFNT_s)-> *mutFINF_s;
#[doc = "Retrieves the texture sheet information of a font.\n # Arguments\n\n* `font` - Pointer to font structure. If NULL, the shared system font is used."]
#[doc = "Retrieves the pointer to texture data for the specified texture sheet.\n # Arguments\n\n* `font` - Pointer to font structure. If NULL, the shared system font is used.\n * `sheetIndex` - Index of the texture sheet."]
#[link_name = "fontGetGlyphSheetTex__extern"]
font: *mutCFNT_s,
sheetIndex: ::libc::c_int,
)-> *mut::libc::c_void;
#[doc = "Retrieves the glyph index of the specified Unicode codepoint.\n # Arguments\n\n* `font` - Pointer to font structure. If NULL, the shared system font is used.\n * `codePoint` - Unicode codepoint."]
#[doc = "Connects to the 3dslink host, setting up an output stream.\n # Arguments\n\n* `redirStdout` (direction in) - Whether to redirect stdout to nxlink output.\n * `redirStderr` (direction in) - Whether to redirect stderr to nxlink output.\n # Returns\n\nSocket fd on success, negative number on failure.\n > **Note:** The socket should be closed with close() during application cleanup."]