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dev-setup Basic Setup Basic Setup

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

export const OsTabs = (props) => (<Tabs groupId="operating-systems" defaultValue="debian" values={[ {label: 'Debian/Ubuntu', value: 'debian'}, {label: 'Raspberry OS', value: 'raspberryos'}, {label: 'Fedora', value: 'fedora'}, {label: 'Windows', value: 'win'}, {label: 'macOS', value: 'mac'}, ] }>{props.children});


A unix-like environment with the following base packages installed:

  • Git
  • Python 3
  • pip
  • wget
  • devicetree compiler
  • CMake
  • dfu-util
  • Various build essentials, e.g. gcc, automake, autoconf
On Debian and Ubuntu, we'll use `apt` to install our base dependencies:

First, if you haven't updated recently, or if this is a new install, you should update to get the latest package information:

sudo apt update

With the latest package information, you can now install the base dependencies:

sudo apt install -y \
	git \
	wget \
	autoconf \
	automake \
	build-essential \
        bzip2 \
	ccache \
	device-tree-compiler \
	dfu-util \
	g++ \
	gcc \
	libtool \
	make \
	ninja-build \
	cmake \
	python3-dev \
	python3-pip \
	python3-setuptools \

:::note Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release packages a version of CMake that is too old. Please upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or download and install CMake version 3.13.1 or newer manually. ::: On Raspberry OS, we'll use apt to install our base dependencies:

First, if you haven't updated recently, or if this is a new install, you should update to get the latest package information:

sudo apt update

With the latest package information, you can now install the base dependencies:

sudo apt install -y \
	git \
	wget \
	autoconf \
	automake \
	build-essential \
        bzip2 \
	ccache \
	device-tree-compiler \
	dfu-util \
	g++ \
	gcc \
	libtool \
	make \
	ninja-build \
	cmake \
	python3-dev \
	python3-pip \
	python3-setuptools \

On Fedora, we'll use dnf to install our base dependencies:

DNF Update

First, if you haven't updated recently, or if this is a new install, you should update to get the latest package information:

sudo dnf update

Install Dependencies

With the latest package information, you can now install the base dependencies:

sudo dnf install -y \
	git \
	wget \
	autoconf \
	automake \
        bzip2 \
	ccache \
	dtc \
	dfu-util \
	g++ \
	gcc \
	libtool \
	make \
	ninja-build \
	cmake \
	python3-devel \
	python3-pip \
	python3-setuptools \

:::note Use cmd.exe with these instructions rather than PowerShell. :::

Chocolatey is recommended and used for the following instructions. You can manually install each of these applications and add them to your PATH if you don't want to use Chocolatey.

  1. Install Chocolatey
  2. Open cmd.exe as Administrator
  3. Run the following choco commands:
    choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
    choco install ninja gperf python git


Homebrew is required to install the system dependencies. If you haven't done so, visit Homebrew for instructions. Once installed, use it to install the base dependencies:

brew install cmake ninja python3 ccache dtc git wget


West Installation

west is the Zephyr™ meta-tool used to configure and build Zephyr™ applications.

West can be installed by using the pip python package manager.

pip3 install --user -U west

:::danger pip user packages If you haven't done so yet, you may need to add the Python Pip user package directory to your PATH otherwise your computer will not be able to find the west command. :::

<Tabs defaultValue="linux" values={[ {label: 'Linux', value: 'linux'}, {label: 'Windows', value: 'win'}, ]}> Run the following commands:

echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. See the Environment Variables section on how to get to the Environment Variables page.
  2. Click "Edit..." and then "New" to add the directory where your west.exe is located. By default this should be something like C:\Python38\Scripts.

Toolchain Installation

The toolchain provides the compiler, linker, etc., necessary to build for the target platform.

Zephyr™ ARM SDK

To build firmwares for the ARM architecture (all supported MCUs/keyboards at this point), you'll need to install the Zephyr™ ARM SDK to your system:

export ZSDK_VERSION=0.11.2
wget -q "${ZSDK_VERSION}/zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" && \
	sh "zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" --quiet -- -d ~/.local/zephyr-sdk-${ZSDK_VERSION} && \
	rm "zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}"

The installation will prompt with several questions about installation location, and creating a default ~/.zephyrrc for you with various variables. The defaults should normally work as expected.

Because Raspberry OS (Raspbian) runs on the same architecture (but different ABI) as the keyboard MCUs, the operating system's installed cross compilers can be used to target the different ABI.

First, the cross compiler should be installed:

sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi

Next, we'll configure Zephyr™ with some extra environment variables needed to find the cross compiler by adding the following to ~/.zephyrrc:

export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=cross-compile
export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-

Zephyr™ ARM SDK

To build firmwares for the ARM architecture (all supported MCUs/keyboards at this point), you'll need to install the Zephyr™ ARM SDK to your system:

export ZSDK_VERSION=0.11.2
wget -q "${ZSDK_VERSION}/zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" && \
 sh "zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" --quiet -- -d ~/.local/zephyr-sdk-${ZSDK_VERSION} && \
 rm "zephyr-toolchain-arm-\${ZSDK_VERSION}"

The installation will prompt with several questions about installation location, and creating a default ~/.zephyrrc for you with various variables. The defaults should normally work as expected.

GNU ARM Embedded

Since the Zephyr™ SDK is not available for Windows, we recommending following the steps to install the GNU ARM Embedded.

GNU ARM Embedded

Since the Zephyr™ SDK is not available for macOS, we recommending following the steps to install the GNU ARM Embedded.

:::warning Security Controls Workaround

Please be sure to read the additional setup instructions needed to address security controls found in macOS 10.15 Catalina and newer


:::note If you intend to build firmware straight away, make sure to correctly setup the current shell.

Notes on setting this up can be found in the Environment Variables section. The transient instructions can be used to setup the current shell, and the automatic instructions can setup any newly made shells automatically.

The transient instructions must be run to build firmware using the current shell. :::

Source Code

Next, you'll need to clone the ZMK source repository if you haven't already:

git clone

Initialize & Update Zephyr Workspace

Since ZMK is built as a Zephyr™ application, the next step is to use west to initialize and update your workspace. The ZMK Zephyr™ application is in the app/ source directory:

Step into the repository

cd zmk

Initialize West

west init -l app/

:::caution Command Not Found? If you encounter errors like command not found: west then your PATH environment variable is likely missing the Python 3 user packages directory. See the West Build Command section again for links to how to do this :::

Update To Fetch Modules

west update

Export Zephyr™ Core

west zephyr-export

Install Zephyr Python Dependencies

pip3 install --user -r zephyr/scripts/requirements-base.txt

Environment Variables

For GNU ARM Embedded on Windows

On Windows, you will have to set two environment variables for ZMK to build properly: ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT and GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.

Steps to Update Environment Variables
  1. Open Start Menu and type 'env' to find the 'Edit the system environment variables' option. Open it.

Environment variables in Start Menu

  1. Click 'Environment Variables...'.

Environment variables button

  1. Click "New..." under System variables to create a new system variable.

Environment variables menu

  1. Set the variable name to 'ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT' and value to 'gnuarmemb'. Click OK to save.

Adding Zephyr toolchain variable

  1. Create another variable with variable name 'GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH' and value set to wherever you installed your toolchain. Click OK to save.

Adding GNUARMEMB variable

For Zephyr

By default, the Zephyr™ SDK will create a file named ~/.zephyrrc with the correct environment variables to build ZMK. We suggest two main options for how to load those settings.

Per Shell

To load the Zephyr environment properly for just one transient shell, run the following from your ZMK checkout directory:

source zephyr/
source zephyr/
source zephyr/
source zephyr/
source zephyr/zephyr-env.cmd
All Shells

To load the environment variables for your shell every time, append the existing ~/.zephyrrc file to your shell's RC file and then start a new shell.

<Tabs groupId="shell" defaultValue="bash" values={[ {label: 'bash', value: 'bash'}, {label: 'zsh', value: 'zsh'}, ] }>

cat ~/.zephyrrc >> ~/.bashrc
cat ~/.zephyrrc >> ~/.zshrc