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Layer Behaviors Layers


Often, you may want a certain key position to alter which layers are enabled, change the default layer, etc. Some of those behaviors are still in the works; the ones that are working now are documented here.

Defines To Refer To Layers

When working with layers, you may have several different key positions with bindings that enable/disable those layers. To make it easier to refer to those layers in your key bindings, and to change which layers are where later, you can add a set of #defines at the top of your keymap file, and use those layer in your keymap.

For example, if you have three layers, you can add the following to the top of your keymap:

#define DEFAULT 0
#define LOWER   1
#define RAISE   2

This allows you to use those defines, e.g. LOWER later in your keymap.

Momentary Layer

The "momentary layer" behavior enables a layer while a certain key is pressed. Immediately upon activation of the key, the layer is enabled, and immediately upon release of the key, the layer is disabled again.

Behavior Binding

  • Reference: &mo
  • Parameter: The layer number to enable/disable, e.g. 1




The "layer-tap" behavior enables a layer when a key is held, and outputs a keypress when the key is only tapped for a short time.

Behavior Binding

  • Reference: &lt
  • Parameter: The layer number to enable when held, e.g. 1
  • Parameter: The keycode to send when tapped, e.g. A



:::info Functionally, the layer-tap is a hold-tap of the "tap-preferred" flavor and a tapping-term-ms of 200 that takes in a momentary layer and a keypress as its "hold" and "tap" parameters, respectively.

For users who want to send a different keycode depending on if the same key is held or tapped, see Mod-Tap.

Similarly, for users looking to create a keybind like the layer-tap that depending on how long the key is held, invokes behaviors like sticky keys or key toggles, see Hold-Tap.


To Layer

The "to layer" behavior enables a layer and disables all other layers except the default layer.

Behavior Binding

  • Reference: &to
  • Parameter: The layer number to enable, e.g. 1


&to 3

Toggle Layer

The "toggle layer" behavior enables a layer until the layer is manually disabled.

Behavior Binding

  • Reference: &tog
  • Parameter: The layer number to enable/disable, e.g. 1


&tog LOWER

"Toggle layer" for a :

#define DEFAULT 0
#define NAVI    1

#define NONE 0

/ {
	keymap {
		compatible = "zmk,keymap";

		default_layer {
			bindings = <
                &tog NAVI       &kp KP_DIVIDE   &kp KP_MULTIPLY &kp KP_MINUS
                &kp NUMBER_7    &kp NUMBER_8    &kp NUMBER_9    &kp KP_PLUS
                &kp NUMBER_4    &kp NUMBER_5    &kp NUMBER_6    &kp KP_PLUS
                &kp NUMBER_1    &kp NUMBER_2    &kp NUMBER_3    &kp RETURN
                &kp NUMBER_0    &kp NUMBER_0    &kp DOT         &kp RETURN

		nav_layer {
			bindings = <
                &tog NAVI       &kp KP_DIVIDE   &kp KP_MULTIPLY &kp KP_MINUS
                &kp HOME        &kp UP          &kp PAGE_UP     &kp KP_PLUS
                &kp LEFT        &none           &kp RIGHT       &kp KP_PLUS
                &kp END         &kp DOWN        &kp PAGE_DOWN   &kp RETURN
                &kp INSERT      &kp INSERT      &kp DEL         &kp RETURN

It is possible to use "toggle layer" to have keys that raise and lower the layers as well.

Conditional Layers

The "conditional layers" feature enables a particular layer when all layers in a specified set are active. For more information, see conditional layers.