--- title: Macro Behavior sidebar_label: Macros --- ## Summary The macro behavior allows configuring a list of other behaviors to invoke when the macro is pressed and/or released. ## Macro Definition Each macro you want to use in your keymap gets defined first, then bound in your keymap. A macro definition looks like: ``` / { macros { zed_em_kay: zed_em_kay { label = "ZM_zed_em_kay"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; #binding-cells = <0>; bindings = <¯o_press &kp LSHFT> , <¯o_tap &kp Z &kp M &kp K> , <¯o_release &kp LSHFT> ; }; }; }; ``` :::note The text before the colon (`:`) in the declaration of the macro node is the "node label", and is the text used to reference the macro in your keymap ::: The macro can then be bound in your keymap by referencing it by the label `&zed_em_kay`, e.g.: ``` raise_layer { bindings = <&zed_em_kay>; }; ``` ### Bindings Like [hold-taps](/docs/behaviors/hold-tap), macros are created by composing other behaviors, and any of those behaviors can be added to the `bindings` list, e.g.: ``` bindings = <&to 1> , <&bl BL_ON> , <&kp Z &kp M &kp K &kp EXCLAMATION> ; ``` ## Macro Controls There are a set of special macro controls that can be included in the `bindings` list to modify the way the macro is processed. ### Binding Activation Mode Bindings in a macro are activated differently, depending on the current "activation mode" of the macro. Available modes: - Tap - The default mode; when in this mode, the macro will press, then release, each behavior in the `bindings` list. This mode is useful for basic keycode output to hosts, i.e. when activating a `&kp` behavior. - Press - In this mode, the macro will only trigger a press on each behavior in the `bindings` list. This is useful for holding down modifiers for some duration of a macro, e.g. `&kp LALT`. - Release - In this mode, the macro will only trigger a release on each behavior in the `bindings` list. This is useful for releasing modifiers previously pressed earlier in the macro processing, e.g. `&kp LALT`. To modify the activation mode, macro controls can be added at any point in the `bindings` list. - `¯o_tap` - `¯o_press` - `¯o_release` A concrete example, used to hold a modifier, tap multiple keys, then release the modifier, would look like: ``` bindings = <¯o_press &kp LSHFT> , <¯o_tap &kp Z &kp M &kp K> , <¯o_release &kp LSHFT> ; ``` ### Processing Continuation on Release The macro can be paused so that only part of the `bindings` list is processed when the macro is pressed, and the remainder is processed once the macro itself is released. To pause the macro until release, use `¯o_pause_for_release`. For example, this macro will press a modifier and activate a layer when the macro is pressed. Once the macro is released, it will release the modifier and deactivate the layer by releasing the `&mo`: ``` bindings = <¯o_press &mo 1 &kp LSHFT> , <¯o_pause_for_release> , <¯o_release &mo 1 &kp LSHFT> ; ``` ### Wait Time The wait time setting controls how long of a delay is introduced between behaviors in the `bindings` list. The initial wait time for a macro, 100ms by default, can be set by assigning a value to the `wait-ms` property of the macro, e.g. `wait-ms = <20>;`. If you want to update the wait time at any point in the macro bindings list, use `¯o_wait_time`, e.g. `¯o_wait_time 30`. A full example: ``` wait-ms = <10>; bindings = <&kp F &kp A &kp S &kp T> , <¯o_wait_time 500> , <&kp S &kp L &kp O &kp W> ; ``` ### Tap Time The tap time setting controls how long a tapped behavior is held in the `bindings` list. The initial tap time for a macro, 100ms by default, can be set by assigning a value to the `tap-ms` property of the macro, e.g. `tap-ms = <20>;`. If you want to update the tap time at any point in a macro bindings list, use `¯o_tap_time`, e.g. `¯o_tap_time 30`. A full example: ``` bindings = <¯o_tap_time 10> , <&kp S &kp H &kp O &kp R &kp T> , <¯o_tap_time 500> , <&kp L &kp O &kp N &kp G> ; ``` ## Common Patterns Below are some examples of how the macro behavior can be used for various useful functionality. ### Layer Activation + More Macros make it easy to combine a [layer behavior](/docs/behaviors/layers), e.g. `&mo` with another behavior at the same time. Common examples are enabling one or more modifiers when the layer is active, or changing the RBG underglow color. To achieve this, a combination of a 0ms wait time and splitting the press and release between a `¯o_pause_for_release` is used: #### Layer + Modifier ``` wait-ms = <0>; bindings = <¯o_press &mo 1 &kp LSHFT> , <¯o_pause_for_release> , <¯o_release &mo 1 &kp LSHFT>; ``` #### Layer + Underglow Color To trigger a different underglow when the macro is pressed, and when it is released, we use the macro "press" activation mode whenever triggering the `&rgb_ug` behavior: ``` wait-ms = <0>; tap-ms = <0>; bindings = <¯o_press &mo 1> , <¯o_tap &rgb_ug RGB_COLOR_HSB(128,100,100)> , <¯o_pause_for_release> , <¯o_release &mo 1> , <¯o_tap &rgb_ug RGB_COLOR_HSB(300,100,50)>; ``` ### Keycode Sequences The other common use case for macros is to sending sequences of keycodes to the connected host. Here, a wait and tap time of at least 30ms is recommended to avoid having HID notifications grouped at the BLE protocol level and then processed out of order: ``` wait-ms = <40>; tap-ms = <40>; bindings = <&kp Z &kp M &kp K> , <&kp SPACE> , <&kp R &kp O &kp C &kp K &kp S> ; ``` ### Unicode Sequences Many operating systems allow a special sequence to input unicode characters, e.g. [Windows alt codes](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/insert-ascii-or-unicode-latin-based-symbols-and-characters-d13f58d3-7bcb-44a7-a4d5-972ee12e50e0). You can use macros to automate inputting the sequences, e.g. below macro inserts `£` on Windows: ``` wait-ms = <40>; tap-ms = <40>; bindings = <¯o_press &kp LALT> , <¯o_tap &kp KP_N0 &kp KP_N1 &kp KP_N6 &kp KP_N3> , <¯o_release &kp LALT> ; ``` ## Convenience C Macro To avoid repetition or possible typos when declaring a macro, a convenience _C_ macro, named `ZMK_MACRO(name, props)` can be used to simplify things: ``` ZMK_MACRO(my_macro, wait-ms = <30>; tap-ms = <40>; bindings = <&kp Z &kp M &kp K>; ) ``` This can be used instead of a complete macro definition. During the firmware build process, the example above would produce the complete macro definition below: ``` my_macro: my_macro { compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; label = "ZM_my_macro"; #binding-cells = <0>; wait-ms = <30>; tap-ms = <40>; bindings = <&kp Z &kp M &kp K>; }; ``` Using the C macro is entirely optional, and is provided only as a convenience.