/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT zmk_behavior_sticky_key #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(zmk, CONFIG_ZMK_LOG_LEVEL); #if DT_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS_OKAY(DT_DRV_COMPAT) #define ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD 10 #define ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE ULONG_MAX struct behavior_sticky_key_config { uint32_t release_after_ms; bool quick_release; bool ignore_modifiers; struct zmk_behavior_binding behavior; }; struct active_sticky_key { uint32_t position; uint32_t param1; uint32_t param2; const struct behavior_sticky_key_config *config; // timer data. bool timer_started; bool timer_cancelled; int64_t release_at; struct k_delayed_work release_timer; // usage page and keycode for the key that is being modified by this sticky key uint8_t modified_key_usage_page; uint32_t modified_key_keycode; }; struct active_sticky_key active_sticky_keys[ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD] = {}; static struct active_sticky_key *store_sticky_key(uint32_t position, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const struct behavior_sticky_key_config *config) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD; i++) { struct active_sticky_key *const sticky_key = &active_sticky_keys[i]; if (sticky_key->position != ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE || sticky_key->timer_cancelled) { continue; } sticky_key->position = position; sticky_key->param1 = param1; sticky_key->param2 = param2; sticky_key->config = config; sticky_key->release_at = 0; sticky_key->timer_cancelled = false; sticky_key->timer_started = false; sticky_key->modified_key_usage_page = 0; sticky_key->modified_key_keycode = 0; return sticky_key; } return NULL; } static void clear_sticky_key(struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key) { sticky_key->position = ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE; } static struct active_sticky_key *find_sticky_key(uint32_t position) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD; i++) { if (active_sticky_keys[i].position == position && !active_sticky_keys[i].timer_cancelled) { return &active_sticky_keys[i]; } } return NULL; } static inline int press_sticky_key_behavior(struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key, int64_t timestamp) { struct zmk_behavior_binding binding = { .behavior_dev = sticky_key->config->behavior.behavior_dev, .param1 = sticky_key->param1, .param2 = sticky_key->param2, }; struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event = { .position = sticky_key->position, .timestamp = timestamp, }; return behavior_keymap_binding_pressed(&binding, event); } static inline int release_sticky_key_behavior(struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key, int64_t timestamp) { struct zmk_behavior_binding binding = { .behavior_dev = sticky_key->config->behavior.behavior_dev, .param1 = sticky_key->param1, .param2 = sticky_key->param2, }; struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event = { .position = sticky_key->position, .timestamp = timestamp, }; clear_sticky_key(sticky_key); return behavior_keymap_binding_released(&binding, event); } static int stop_timer(struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key) { int timer_cancel_result = k_delayed_work_cancel(&sticky_key->release_timer); if (timer_cancel_result == -EINPROGRESS) { // too late to cancel, we'll let the timer handler clear up. sticky_key->timer_cancelled = true; } return timer_cancel_result; } static int on_sticky_key_binding_pressed(struct zmk_behavior_binding *binding, struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event) { const struct device *dev = device_get_binding(binding->behavior_dev); const struct behavior_sticky_key_config *cfg = dev->config; struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key; sticky_key = find_sticky_key(event.position); if (sticky_key != NULL) { stop_timer(sticky_key); release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, event.timestamp); } sticky_key = store_sticky_key(event.position, binding->param1, binding->param2, cfg); if (sticky_key == NULL) { LOG_ERR("unable to store sticky key, did you press more than %d sticky_key?", ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD); return ZMK_BEHAVIOR_OPAQUE; } press_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, event.timestamp); LOG_DBG("%d new sticky_key", event.position); return ZMK_BEHAVIOR_OPAQUE; } static int on_sticky_key_binding_released(struct zmk_behavior_binding *binding, struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event) { struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key = find_sticky_key(event.position); if (sticky_key == NULL) { LOG_ERR("ACTIVE STICKY KEY CLEARED TOO EARLY"); return ZMK_BEHAVIOR_OPAQUE; } if (sticky_key->modified_key_usage_page != 0 && sticky_key->modified_key_keycode != 0) { LOG_DBG("Another key was pressed while the sticky key was pressed. Act like a normal key."); return release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, event.timestamp); } // No other key was pressed. Start the timer. sticky_key->timer_started = true; sticky_key->release_at = event.timestamp + sticky_key->config->release_after_ms; // adjust timer in case this behavior was queued by a hold-tap int32_t ms_left = sticky_key->release_at - k_uptime_get(); if (ms_left > 0) { k_delayed_work_submit(&sticky_key->release_timer, K_MSEC(ms_left)); } return ZMK_BEHAVIOR_OPAQUE; } static const struct behavior_driver_api behavior_sticky_key_driver_api = { .binding_pressed = on_sticky_key_binding_pressed, .binding_released = on_sticky_key_binding_released, }; static int sticky_key_keycode_state_changed_listener(const zmk_event_t *eh); ZMK_LISTENER(behavior_sticky_key, sticky_key_keycode_state_changed_listener); ZMK_SUBSCRIPTION(behavior_sticky_key, zmk_keycode_state_changed); static int sticky_key_keycode_state_changed_listener(const zmk_event_t *eh) { struct zmk_keycode_state_changed *ev = as_zmk_keycode_state_changed(eh); if (ev == NULL) { return ZMK_EV_EVENT_BUBBLE; } // keep track whether the event has been reraised, so we only reraise it once bool event_reraised = false; for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD; i++) { struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key = &active_sticky_keys[i]; if (sticky_key->position == ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE) { continue; } if (strcmp(sticky_key->config->behavior.behavior_dev, "KEY_PRESS") == 0 && HID_USAGE_ID(sticky_key->param1) == ev->keycode && (HID_USAGE_PAGE(sticky_key->param1) & 0xFF) == ev->usage_page && SELECT_MODS(sticky_key->param1) == ev->implicit_modifiers) { // don't catch key down events generated by the sticky key behavior itself continue; } // If this event was queued, the timer may be triggered late or not at all. // Release the sticky key if the timer should've run out in the meantime. if (sticky_key->release_at != 0 && ev->timestamp > sticky_key->release_at) { stop_timer(sticky_key); release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, sticky_key->release_at); continue; } if (ev->state) { // key down if (sticky_key->config->ignore_modifiers && is_mod(ev->usage_page, ev->keycode)) { // ignore modifier key press so we can stack sticky keys and combine with other // modifiers continue; } if (sticky_key->modified_key_usage_page != 0 || sticky_key->modified_key_keycode != 0) { // this sticky key is already in use for a keycode continue; } if (sticky_key->timer_started) { stop_timer(sticky_key); if (sticky_key->config->quick_release) { // immediately release the sticky key after the key press is handled. if (!event_reraised) { ZMK_EVENT_RAISE_AFTER(eh, behavior_sticky_key); event_reraised = true; } release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, ev->timestamp); } } sticky_key->modified_key_usage_page = ev->usage_page; sticky_key->modified_key_keycode = ev->keycode; } else { // key up if (sticky_key->timer_started && sticky_key->modified_key_usage_page == ev->usage_page && sticky_key->modified_key_keycode == ev->keycode) { stop_timer(sticky_key); release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, ev->timestamp); } } } if (event_reraised) { return ZMK_EV_EVENT_CAPTURED; } return ZMK_EV_EVENT_BUBBLE; } void behavior_sticky_key_timer_handler(struct k_work *item) { struct active_sticky_key *sticky_key = CONTAINER_OF(item, struct active_sticky_key, release_timer); if (sticky_key->position == ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE) { return; } if (sticky_key->timer_cancelled) { sticky_key->timer_cancelled = false; } else { release_sticky_key_behavior(sticky_key, sticky_key->release_at); } } static int behavior_sticky_key_init(const struct device *dev) { static bool init_first_run = true; if (init_first_run) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD; i++) { k_delayed_work_init(&active_sticky_keys[i].release_timer, behavior_sticky_key_timer_handler); active_sticky_keys[i].position = ZMK_BHV_STICKY_KEY_POSITION_FREE; } } init_first_run = false; return 0; } struct behavior_sticky_key_data {}; static struct behavior_sticky_key_data behavior_sticky_key_data; #define KP_INST(n) \ static struct behavior_sticky_key_config behavior_sticky_key_config_##n = { \ .behavior = ZMK_KEYMAP_EXTRACT_BINDING(0, DT_DRV_INST(n)), \ .release_after_ms = DT_INST_PROP(n, release_after_ms), \ .ignore_modifiers = DT_INST_PROP(n, ignore_modifiers), \ .quick_release = DT_INST_PROP(n, quick_release), \ }; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(n, behavior_sticky_key_init, device_pm_control_nop, \ &behavior_sticky_key_data, &behavior_sticky_key_config_##n, APPLICATION, \ CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, &behavior_sticky_key_driver_api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(KP_INST) #endif