/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(zmk, CONFIG_ZMK_LOG_LEVEL); #include #include #include #include #include #define ZMK_DISPLAY_NAME CONFIG_LVGL_DISPLAY_DEV_NAME static const struct device *display; static lv_obj_t *screen; __attribute__((weak)) lv_obj_t *zmk_display_status_screen() { return NULL; } void display_tick_cb(struct k_work *work) { lv_tick_inc(10); lv_task_handler(); } K_WORK_DEFINE(display_tick_work, display_tick_cb); void display_timer_cb() { k_work_submit(&display_tick_work); } K_TIMER_DEFINE(display_timer, display_timer_cb, NULL); static void start_display_updates() { display_blanking_off(display); k_timer_start(&display_timer, K_MSEC(10), K_MSEC(10)); } static void stop_display_updates() { display_blanking_on(display); k_timer_stop(&display_timer); } int zmk_display_init() { LOG_DBG(""); display = device_get_binding(ZMK_DISPLAY_NAME); if (display == NULL) { LOG_ERR("Failed to find display device"); return -EINVAL; } screen = zmk_display_status_screen(); if (screen == NULL) { LOG_ERR("No status screen provided"); return 0; } lv_scr_load(screen); lv_task_handler(); start_display_updates(); LOG_DBG(""); return 0; } int display_event_handler(const zmk_event_t *eh) { struct zmk_activity_state_changed *ev = cast_zmk_activity_state_changed(eh); switch (ev->state) { case ZMK_ACTIVITY_ACTIVE: start_display_updates(); break; case ZMK_ACTIVITY_IDLE: case ZMK_ACTIVITY_SLEEP: stop_display_updates(); break; default: LOG_WRN("Unhandled activity state: %d", ev->state); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } ZMK_LISTENER(display, display_event_handler); ZMK_SUBSCRIPTION(display, zmk_activity_state_changed);