on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Basic build of the ZMK firmware steps: # To use this repository's private action, # you must check out the repository - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: West Init uses: ./.github/actions/zephyr-west # Uses an action in the root directory id: west-init with: command: 'init' command-args: '-l .' - name: West Update uses: ./.github/actions/zephyr-west # Uses an action in the root directory id: west-update with: command: 'update' - name: West Config Zephyr Base uses: ./.github/actions/zephyr-west # Uses an action in the root directory id: west-config with: command: 'config' command-args: '--global zephyr.base-prefer configfile' - name: West Zephyr Export uses: ./.github/actions/zephyr-west # Uses an action in the root directory id: west-zephyr-export with: command: 'zephyr-export' - name: West Build uses: ./.github/actions/zephyr-west # Uses an action in the root directory id: west-build with: command: 'build' command-args: '-b nucleo_wb55rg -- -DSHIELD=petejohanson_handwire'