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--- |
id: keymaps |
title: Keymaps & Behaviors |
sidebar_label: Keymaps |
--- |
ZMK uses an declarative approach to keymaps, instead of using C code for all keymap configuration. |
Right now, ZMK uses the devicetree syntax to declare those keymaps; future work is envisioned for |
supporting dynamic loading of declarative keymaps, e.g. over USB Mass Storage or via a custom BLE |
service. |
:::note |
For advanced users looking to implement custom behaviors for their keymaps, this will be possible |
in the future by allowing user configs to add to the CMake application built by Zephyr. |
::: |
## Big Picture |
All keyboard definitions (complete boards or shields) include the _default_ keymap for that keyboard, |
so ZMK can produce a "stock" firmware for that keyboard without any further modifications. For users |
looking to customize their keyboard's behavior, they can copy the stock `.keymap` file into their |
user config directory, and customize the keymap to their liking. |
## Behaviors |
ZMK implements the concept of "behaviors", which can be bound to a certain key position, sensor (encoder), |
or layer, to perform certain actions when events occur for that binding (e.g. when a certain key position |
is pressed or released, or an encoder triggers a rotation event). |
For example, the simplest behavior in ZMK is the "key press" behavior, which responds to key position |
(a certain spot on the keyboard), and when that position is pressed, send a keycode to the host, and |
when the key position is released, updates the host to notify of the keycode being released. |
For the full set of possible behaviors, start at the [Key Press](/docs/behavior/key-press) behavior. |
## Layers |
Like many mechanical keyboard firmwares, ZMK keymaps are composed of a collection of layers, with a |
minimum of at least one layer that is the default, usually near the bottom of the "stack". Each layer |
in ZMK contains a set of bindings that bind a certain behavior to a certain key position in that layer. |
In addition to the base default layer (which can be changed), certain bound behaviors may also |
enable/disable additional layers "on top" of the default layer. |
**TODO**: A diagram to help visualize layers |
When a key location is pressed/released, the stack of all active layers from "top to bottom" is used, |
and the event is sent to the behavior bound at that position in each layer, for it to perform whatever |
actions it wants to in reaction to the event. Those behaviors can choose to "handle" the event, and stop |
it from being passed to any lower layers, or may choose to "pass it along", and let the next layer |
in the stack _also_ get the event. |
## Behavior Bindings |
Binding a behavior at a certain key position may include up to two extra parameters that are used to |
alter the behavior when that specific key position is activated/deactived. For example, when binding |
the "key press" (`kp`) behavior at a certain key position, you must specific _which_ keycode should |
be used for that key position. |
``` |
&kp A |
``` |
In this case, the `A` is actually a define for the raw HID keycode, to make keymaps easier to read and write. |
For example of a binding that uses two parameters, you can see how "mod-tap" (`mt`) is bound: |
``` |
&mt MOD_LSFT D |
``` |
Here, the first parameter is the set of modifiers that should be used for the "hold" behavior, and the second |
parameter is the keycode that should be sent when triggering the "tap" behavior. |
## Keymap File |
A keymap file is composed of several sections, that together make up a valid devicetree file for describing the keymap and its layers. |
### Includes |
THe devicetree files are actually preprocessed before being finally leveraged by Zephyr. This allows using standard C defines to create meaningful placeholders |
for what would otherwise be cryptic integer keycodes, etc. This also allows bringing in _other_ devicetree nodes from separate files. |
The top two lines of most keymaps should include: |
``` |
#include <behaviors.dtsi> |
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h> |
``` |
The first defines the nodes for all the available behaviors in ZMK, which will be referenced in the behavior bindings. This is how bindings like `&kp` can reference the key press behavior defined with an anchor name of `kp`. |
The second include brings in the defines for all the keycodes (e.g. `A`, `NUM_1`, `M_PLAY`) and the modifiers (e.g. `MOD_LSFT`) used for various behavior bindings. |
### Root devicetree Node |
ALl the remaining keymap nodes will be nested inside of the root devicetree node, like so: |
```devicetree |
/ { |
// Everything else goes here! |
}; |
``` |
### Layers |
``` |
layers { |
compatible = "zmk,layers"; |
default: layer_0 { |
label = "DEFAULT"; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | ESC | Q | W | E | R | T | | Y | U | I | O | P | \ | |
// | TAB | A | S | D | F | G | | H | J | K | L | ; | ' | |
// | SHIFT | Z | X | C | V | B | L SHIFT | L SHIFT | | L SHIFT | L SHIFT | N | M | , | . | / | CTRL | |
// | GUI | DEL | RET | SPACE | ESC | | RET | SPACE | TAB | BSPC | R-ALT | |
bindings = < |
&kp ESC &kp Q &kp W &kp E &kp R &kp T &kp Y &kp U &kp I &kp O &kp P &kp BSLH |
&kp TAB &kp A &kp S &mt MOD_LCTL D &mt MOD_LSFT F &kp G &kp H &mt MOD_LSFT J &mt MOD_LCTL K &kp L &kp SCLN &kp QUOT |
&kp LSFT &kp Z &kp X &kp C &kp V &kp B &kp LSFT &kp LSFT &kp LSFT &kp LSFT &kp N &kp M &kp CMMA &kp DOT &kp FSLH &kp RCTL |
&kp LGUI &kp DEL &kp RET &kp SPC &mo 1 &mo 2 &kp SPC &kp RET &kp BKSP &kp RALT |
>; |
sensor-bindings = <&inc_dec_cp M_VOLU M_VOLD &inc_dec_kp PGUP PGDN>; |
}; |
}; |
``` |
### Keymap |
``` |
keymap0: keymap { |
compatible = "zmk,keymap"; |
label ="Default Kyria Keymap"; |
layers = <&default>; |
}; |
``` |
### Chosen Keymap |
``` |
chosen { |
zmk,keymap = &keymap0; |
}; |
``` |
### Complete Example |
You can see a complete example if you see the [stock Kyria keymap](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/boards/shields/kyria/kyria.keymap). |