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title: Mouse Emulation Behaviors
sidebar_label: Mouse Emulation
## Summary
Mouse emulation behaviors send mouse movements, button presses or scroll actions.
Please view [`dt-bindings/zmk/mouse.h`]( for a comprehensive list of signals.
## Configuration options
This feature should be enabled via a config option:
This option enables several others.
### Dedicated thread processing
`CONFIG_ZMK_MOUSE_WORK_QUEUE_DEDICATED` is enabled by default and separates the processing of mouse signals into a dedicated thread, significantly improving performance.
### Tick rate configuration
`CONFIG_ZMK_MOUSE_TICK_DURATION` sets the tick rate for mouse polling. It is set to 8 ms. by default.
## Keycode Defines
To make it easier to encode the HID keycode numeric values, most keymaps include
the [`dt-bindings/zmk/mouse.h`]( header
provided by ZMK near the top:
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/mouse.h>
Doing so allows using a set of defines such as `MOVE_UP`, `MOVE_DOWN`, `LCLK` and `SCROLL_UP` with these behaviors.
## Mouse Button Press
This behavior can press/release up to 16 mouse buttons.
### Behavior Binding
- Reference: `&mkp`
- Parameter: A `uint16` with each bit referring to a button.
&mkp LCLK
## Mouse Movement
This behavior is used to manipulate the cursor.
### Behavior Binding
- Reference: `&mmv`
- Parameter: A `uint32` with the first 16 bits relating to horizontal movement
and the last 16 - to vertical movement.
&mmv MOVE_UP
## Mouse Scrolling
This behaviour is used to scroll, both horizontally and vertically.
### Behavior Binding
- Reference: `&mwh`
- Parameter: A `uint16` with the first 8 bits relating to horizontal movement
and the last 8 - to vertical movement.
## Acceleration
Both mouse movement and scrolling have independently configurable acceleration profiles with three parameters: delay before movement, time to max speed and the acceleration exponent.
The exponent is usually set to 0 for constant speed, 1 for uniform acceleration or 2 for uniform jerk.
These profiles can be configured inside your keymap:
&mmv {
time-to-max-speed-ms = <500>;
&mwh {
/ {
keymap {