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* Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <behaviors.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/bt.h>
/ {
keymap {
compatible = "zmk,keymap";
default_layer {
bindings = <
&tog 1 &cp M_PREV &cp M_PLAY &cp M_NEXT
&mo 2 &cp M_VOLD &kp UARW &cp M_VOLU
&mo 3 &kp LARW &kp DARW &kp RARW
num_layer {
bindings = <
&trans &kp NUM_7 &kp NUM_8 &kp NUM_9
&trans &kp NUM_4 &kp NUM_5 &kp NUM_6
&lt 3 NUM_0 &kp NUM_1 &kp NUM_2 &kp NUM_3
lower_layer {
bindings = <
&bt BT_CLR &none &reset &bootloader
&trans &bt BT_SEL 3 &bt BT_SEL 4 &none
&none &bt BT_SEL 0 &bt BT_SEL 1 &bt BT_SEL 2
raise_layer {
bindings = <
&kp 0x68 &kp 0x69 &kp 0x6A &kp 0x6B
&kp 0x6C &kp 0x6D &kp 0x6E &kp 0x6F
&trans &kp 0x70 &kp 0x71 &kp 0x72