+++ +++ perhaps you want to give me something for whatever reason? that's cool <3 here's a few things i could use (in no particular order)
_general_: new pads for my headphones (sennheiser hd650), since mine are quite worn out. can be found at [thomann](https://www.thomann.de/intl/sennheiser_hd_545565580_ohrpolster.htm)
_tools_: a microscope (primarily for soldering) with a screen / hdmi out / both wire strippers that aren't the most basic ones. haven't been able to justify better ones because mine mostly work, but especially for small wires they're very unreliable magnifying glasses such as [these](https://www.amazon.com/YOCTOSUN-Rechargeable-Magnifying-Professional-Interchangeable/dp/B07T4KPYN2) (but don't buy them off amazon tho please)
_electronics debugging / hardware exploits_: a multimeter that has autorange. doesn't need to be anything particularly fancy. not powered by a 9v battery would be nice but i'm not holding my breath on that one an oscilloscope for debugging electronics. the [Rigol DS1054Z](https://www.reichelt.de/digital-speicher-oszilloskop-50-mhz-4-kanaele-1gs-s-rigol-ds1054z-p239301.html) [reichelt.de, might be cheaper on ebay] caught my eye when i looked into this a while ago, but there may be better options available. a lab power supply a [chipwhisperer](https://www.newae.com/chipwhisperer)
_prototyping / maker stuff_: *maybe* a resin printer. would be useful for watertight parts or anything that needs
_soldering_: a hot plate for reflowing small pcbs, such as the [MHP30](https://www.miniware.com.cn/product/mhp30-mini-hot-plate-preheater/) (or similar) a reflow oven. i haven't looked at available models, but i'd want something that doesn't take up too much space.