forked from | patches include cool mapping mode that actually does proper aspect ratio conversion and fixing it for smartcard ssh setups
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import logging
import struct
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# evtype_sync = 0
# evtype_key = 1
e_type_abs = 3
# evcode_stylus_distance = 25
# evcode_stylus_xtilt = 26
# evcode_stylus_ytilt = 27
e_code_stylus_xpos = 1
e_code_stylus_ypos = 0
e_code_stylus_pressure = 24
# evcode_finger_xpos = 53
# evcode_finger_ypos = 54
# evcode_finger_pressure = 58
stylus_width = 15725
stylus_height = 20951
# finger_width = 767
# finger_height = 1023
# remap wacom coordinates in various orientations
def fit(x, y, stylus_width, stylus_height, monitor, orientation):
if orientation == 'vertical':
y = stylus_height - y
elif orientation == 'right':
x, y = y, x
stylus_width, stylus_height = stylus_height, stylus_width
elif orientation == 'left':
x, y = stylus_height - y, stylus_width - x
stylus_width, stylus_height = stylus_height, stylus_width
ratio_width, ratio_height = monitor.width / stylus_width, monitor.height / stylus_height
scaling = ratio_width if ratio_width > ratio_height else ratio_height
return (
scaling * (x - (stylus_width - monitor.width / scaling) / 2),
scaling * (y - (stylus_height - monitor.height / scaling) / 2)
def read_tablet(args, remote_device):
"""Loop forever and map evdev events to mouse"""
from screeninfo import get_monitors
from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller
lifted = True
new_x = new_y = False
mouse = Controller()
monitor = get_monitors()[args.monitor]
log.debug('Chose monitor: {}'.format(monitor))
while True:
_, _, e_type, e_code, e_value = struct.unpack('2IHHi',
if e_type == e_type_abs:
# handle x direction
if e_code == e_code_stylus_xpos:
x = e_value
new_x = True
# handle y direction
if e_code == e_code_stylus_ypos:
y = e_value
new_y = True
# handle draw
if e_code == e_code_stylus_pressure:
if e_value > args.threshold:
if lifted:
lifted = False
if not lifted:
lifted = True
# only move when x and y are updated for smoother mouse
if new_x and new_y:
mapped_x, mapped_y = fit(x, y, stylus_width, stylus_height, monitor, args.orientation)
monitor.x + mapped_x - mouse.position[0],
monitor.y + mapped_y - mouse.position[1]
new_x = new_y = False