forked from | patches include cool mapping mode that actually does proper aspect ratio conversion and fixing it for smartcard ssh setups
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Use your reMarkable as a graphics tablet.

Special thanks to canselcik and LinusCDE for inspiration.

Quick Start

On the host machine

pip install remarkable-mouse

By default, is used as the address. Seems to work pretty well wirelessly, too.


specify address, monitor, orientation, password

remouse --address --orientation right --monitor 1 --password foobar

passwordless login

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/remarkable -N ''
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@
remouse --key ~/.ssh/remarkable


usage: remouse [-h] [--debug] [--key PATH] [--password PASSWORD]
           [--address ADDRESS] [--orientation {vertical,left,right}]
           [--monitor NUM] [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--evdev]

use reMarkable tablet as a mouse input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               enable debug messages
  --key PATH            ssh private key
  --password PASSWORD   ssh password
  --address ADDRESS     device address
  --orientation {vertical,left,right}
  --monitor NUM         monitor to use
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        stylus pressure threshold (default 1000)
  --evdev               use evdev to support pen tilt (requires root, no OSX