# Evan Widloski - 2019-02-23 # Use reMarkable as mouse input import argparse import logging import os import sys import struct from getpass import getpass from itertools import cycle import paramiko import paramiko.agent logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s') log = logging.getLogger('remouse') default_key = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/remarkable') def open_rm_inputs(*, address, key, password): """ Open a remote input device via SSH. Args: address (str): address to reMarkable key (str, optional): path to reMarkable ssh key password (str, optional): reMarkable ssh password Returns: (paramiko.ChannelFile): read-only stream of pen events (paramiko.ChannelFile): read-only stream of touch events (paramiko.ChannelFile): read-only stream of button events """ log.debug("Connecting to input '{}'".format(address)) client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) pkey = None agent = paramiko.agent.Agent() def use_key(key): for key_type in [paramiko.RSAKey, paramiko.Ed25519Key, paramiko.ECDSAKey]: try: pkey = key_type.from_private_key_file(os.path.expanduser(key)) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: continue except paramiko.ssh_exception.PasswordRequiredException: passphrase = getpass( "Enter passphrase for key '{}': ".format(os.path.expanduser(key)) ) pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file( os.path.expanduser(key), password=passphrase ) break return pkey if key is not None: password = None pkey = use_key(key) elif os.path.exists(default_key): password = None pkey = use_key(default_key) elif password is not None: pkey = None elif not agent.get_keys(): password = getpass( "Password for '{}': ".format(address) ) pkey = None client.connect( address, username='root', password=password, pkey=pkey, look_for_keys=True, disabled_algorithms=dict(pubkeys=["rsa-sha2-512", "rsa-sha2-256"]) ) session = client.get_transport().open_session() paramiko.agent.AgentRequestHandler(session) pen_file = client.exec_command( 'readlink -f /dev/input/touchscreen0' )[1].read().decode('utf8').rstrip('\n') # handle both reMarkable versions # https://github.com/Eeems/oxide/issues/48#issuecomment-690830572 if pen_file == '/dev/input/event0': # rM 1 touch_file = '/dev/input/event1' button_file = '/dev/input/event2' else: # rM 2 touch_file = '/dev/input/event2' button_file = '/dev/input/event0' log.debug('Pen:{}\nTouch:{}\nButton:{}'.format(pen_file, touch_file, button_file)) # Start reading events pen = client.exec_command('cat ' + pen_file)[1] touch = client.exec_command('cat ' + touch_file)[1] button = client.exec_command('cat ' + button_file)[1] return {'pen': pen, 'touch': touch, 'button': button} def main(): try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="use reMarkable tablet as a mouse input") parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="enable debug messages") parser.add_argument('--key', type=str, metavar='PATH', help="ssh private key") parser.add_argument('--password', default=None, type=str, help="ssh password") parser.add_argument('--address', default='', type=str, help="device address") parser.add_argument('--mode', default='fill', choices=['fit', 'fill', 'stretch', 'cool'], help="""Scale setting. Fit (default): take up the entire tablet, but not necessarily the entire monitor. Fill: take up the entire monitor, but not necessarily the entire tablet. Stretch: take up both the entire tablet and monitor, but don't maintain aspect ratio. Cool: fit the entire monitor on the tablet, ensure 1:1 aspect ratio on both.""") parser.add_argument('--orientation', default='right', choices=['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'], help="position of tablet buttons") parser.add_argument('--monitor', default=0, type=int, metavar='NUM', help="monitor to output to") parser.add_argument('--region', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use a GUI to position the output area. Overrides --monitor") parser.add_argument('--threshold', metavar='THRESH', default=600, type=int, help="stylus pressure threshold (default 600)") parser.add_argument('--evdev', action='store_true', default=False, help="use evdev to support pen pressure (requires root, Linux only)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print('Debugging enabled...') else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # ----- Connect to device ----- rm_inputs = open_rm_inputs( address=args.address, key=args.key, password=args.password, ) print("Connected to", args.address) # ----- Handle events ----- if args.evdev: from remarkable_mouse.evdev import read_tablet else: from remarkable_mouse.pynput import read_tablet read_tablet( rm_inputs, orientation=args.orientation, monitor_num=args.monitor, region=args.region, threshold=args.threshold, mode=args.mode, ) except PermissionError: log.error('Insufficient permissions for creating a virtual input device') log.error('Make sure you run this program as root') sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except EOFError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()