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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Creates archive file
# Authors:
# Matt Hamilton <>
# function archive {
local archive_name path_to_archive _gzip_bin _bzip2_bin
if (( $# < 2 )); then
cat >&2 <<EOF
usage: $0 [] [/path/to/include/into/archive ...]
Where '' uses any of the following extensions:
.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lzma, .tar, .zip, .rar, .7z
There is no '-v' switch; all operations are verbose.
return 1
# we are quitting (above) if there are not exactly 2 vars,
# so we don't need any argc check here.
# strip the path, just in case one is provided for some reason
# let paths be handled by actual archive helper
# here, we check for dropin/multi-threaded replacements
# this should eventually be moved to modules/archive/init.zsh
# as a global alias
if (( $+commands[pigz] )); then
if (( $+commands[pbzip2] )); then
case "${archive_name}" in
(*.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar -cvf "${archive_name}" --use-compress-program="${_gzip_bin}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.tar.bz2|*.tbz|*.tbz2) tar -cvf "${archive_name}" --use-compress-program="${_bzip2_bin}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.tar.xz|*.txz) tar -cvJf "${archive_name}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.tar.lzma|*.tlz) tar -cvf "${archive_name}" --lzma "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.tar) tar -cvf "${archive_name}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.zip|*.jar) zip -r "${archive_name}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.rar) rar a "${archive_name}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.7z) 7za a "${archive_name}" "${=path_to_archive}" ;;
(*.gz) print "\n.gz is only useful for single files, and does not capture permissions. Use .tar.gz" ;;
(*.bz2) print "\n.bzip2 is only useful for single files, and does not capture permissions. Use .tar.bz2" ;;
(*.xz) print "\n.xz is only useful for single files, and does not capture permissions. Use .tar.xz" ;;
(*.lzma) print "\n.lzma is only useful for single files, and does not capture permissions. Use .tar.lzma" ;;
(*) print "\nunknown archive type for archive: ${archive_name}" ;;
# }