Prompt ====== Loads prompt [themes][1]. Settings -------- To select a prompt theme, add the following to *zpreztorc*, and replace **name** with the name of the theme you wish to load. Setting it to **random** will load a random theme. zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'name' Theming ------- A prompt theme is an autoloadable function file with a special name, `prompt_name_setup`, placed anywhere in `$fpath`, but for the purpose of this project, themes **should** be placed in the *modules/prompt/functions* directory. ### Theme Functions There are three theme functions, a setup function, a help function, and a preview function. The setup function **must** always be defined. The help function and the preview functions are optional. #### prompt_name_setup This function is called by the `prompt` function to install the theme. This function may define other functions as necessary to maintain the prompt, including a function that displays help or a function used to preview it. **Do not call this function directly.** The most basic example of this function can be seen bellow. function prompt_name_setup { PROMPT='%m%# ' RPROMPT='' } #### prompt_name_help If the `prompt_name_setup` function is customizable via parameters, a help function **should** be defined. The user will access it via `prompt -h name`. The most basic example of this function can be seen bellow. function prompt_name_help { cat <<EOH This prompt is color-scheme-able. You can invoke it thus: prompt theme [<color1>] [<color2>] where the color is for the left-hand prompt. EOH } #### prompt_name_preview If the `prompt_name_setup` function is customizable via parameters, a preview function **should** be defined. The user will access it via `prompt -p name`. The most basic example of this function can be seen bellow. function prompt_name_preview { if (( $# > 0 )); then prompt_preview_theme theme "$@" else prompt_preview_theme theme red green blue print prompt_preview_theme theme yellow magenta black fi } ### Hook Functions There are many Zsh [hook][2] functions, but mostly the *precmd* hook will be used. #### prompt_name_precmd This hook is called before the prompt is displayed and is useful for getting information to display in a prompt. When calling functions to get information to display in a prompt, do not assume that all the dependencies have been loaded. Always check for the availability of a function before you calling it. **Do not register hook functions. They will be registered by the `prompt` function.** The most basic example of this function can be seen bellow. function prompt_name_precmd { if (( $+functions[git-info] )); then git-info fi } Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][3].* - [Sorin Ionescu]( [1]: [2]: [3]: