If you have enabled color globally in *zshrc*, you may disable it for certain
To disable `ls` color, add the following line to *zshrc*. If coloring is
disabled, type indicators (*, /, =>, @, |) will be appended to entries.
To disable `ls` color, add the following line to *zshrc*; when coloring is
disabled, type indicators (\*, /, =>, @, =, |, %) will be appended to entries.
zstyle ':omz:module:utility:ls' color 'no'
@ -31,32 +31,7 @@ To disable `make` highlighting, add the following line to *zshrc*:
@@ -31,32 +31,7 @@ To disable `make` highlighting, add the following line to *zshrc*:
### The ls Family
- `ls` lists with directories grouped first (GNU only).
- `l` lists in one column, hidden files.
- `ll` lists human readable sizes.
- `lr` lists recursively.
- `la` lists hidden files.
- `lp` lists through pager.
- `lx` lists sorted by extension (GNU only).
- `lk` lists sorted by size, largest last.
- `lt` lists sorted by date, most recent last.
- `lc` lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows change time.
- `lu` lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows access time.
- `sl` is aliased to ls.
### General
- `_` is aliased to sudo.
- `b` opens the default web browser.
- `e` opens the default editor.
- `p` opens the default pager.
- `po` removes a directory from the stack and changes to it.
- `pu` adds the current directory to the stack and changes to a directory.
- `type` displays all attribute values of a shell parameter.