1 changed files with 154 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# |
# A two-line, Powerline-inspired theme that displays contextual information. |
# |
# This theme requires a patched Powerline font, get them from |
# https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts. |
# |
# Authors: |
# Isaac Wolkerstorfer <i@agnoster.net> |
# Jeff Sandberg <paradox460@gmail.com> |
# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> |
# |
# Screenshots: |
# http://i.imgur.com/0XIWX.png |
# |
# Load dependencies. |
pmodload 'helper' |
# Define variables. |
_prompt_paradox_current_bg='NONE' |
_prompt_paradox_segment_separator='⮀' |
_prompt_paradox_start_time=$SECONDS |
function prompt_paradox_start_segment { |
local bg fg |
[[ -n "$1" ]] && bg="%K{$1}" || bg="%k" |
[[ -n "$2" ]] && fg="%F{$2}" || fg="%f" |
if [[ "$_prompt_paradox_current_bg" != 'NONE' && "$1" != "$_prompt_paradox_current_bg" ]]; then |
print -n " $bg%F{$_prompt_paradox_current_bg}$_prompt_paradox_segment_separator$fg " |
else |
print -n "$bg$fg " |
fi |
_prompt_paradox_current_bg="$1" |
[[ -n "$3" ]] && print -n "$3" |
} |
function prompt_paradox_end_segment { |
if [[ -n "$_prompt_paradox_current_bg" ]]; then |
print -n " %k%F{$_prompt_paradox_current_bg}$_prompt_paradox_segment_separator" |
else |
print -n "%k" |
fi |
print -n "%f" |
_prompt_paradox_current_bg='' |
} |
function prompt_paradox_build_prompt { |
prompt_paradox_start_segment black default '%(?::%F{red}✘ )%(!:%F{yellow}⚡ :)%(1j:%F{cyan}⚙ :)%F{blue}%n%F{red}@%F{green}%m%f' |
prompt_paradox_start_segment blue black '$_prompt_paradox_pwd' |
if [[ -n "$git_info" ]]; then |
prompt_paradox_start_segment green black '${(e)git_info[ref]}${(e)git_info[status]}' |
fi |
prompt_paradox_end_segment |
} |
function prompt_paradox_pwd { |
local pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}" |
if [[ "$pwd" == (#m)[/~] ]]; then |
_prompt_paradox_pwd="$MATCH" |
unset MATCH |
else |
_prompt_paradox_pwd="${${${${(@j:/:M)${(@s:/:)pwd}##.#?}:h}%/}//\%/%%}/${${pwd:t}//\%/%%}" |
fi |
} |
function prompt_paradox_print_elapsed_time { |
local end_time=$(( SECONDS - _prompt_paradox_start_time )) |
local hours minutes seconds remainder |
if (( end_time >= 3600 )); then |
hours=$(( end_time / 3600 )) |
remainder=$(( end_time % 3600 )) |
minutes=$(( remainder / 60 )) |
seconds=$(( remainder % 60 )) |
print -P "%B%F{red}>>> elapsed time ${hours}h${minutes}m${seconds}s%b" |
elif (( end_time >= 60 )); then |
minutes=$(( end_time / 60 )) |
seconds=$(( end_time % 60 )) |
print -P "%B%F{yellow}>>> elapsed time ${minutes}m${seconds}s%b" |
elif (( end_time > 10 )); then |
print -P "%B%F{green}>>> elapsed time ${end_time}s%b" |
fi |
} |
function prompt_paradox_precmd { |
# Format PWD. |
prompt_paradox_pwd |
# Get Git repository information. |
if (( $+functions[git-info] )); then |
git-info |
fi |
# Calculate and print the elapsed time. |
prompt_paradox_print_elapsed_time |
} |
function prompt_paradox_preexec { |
_prompt_paradox_start_time="$SECONDS" |
} |
function prompt_paradox_setup { |
prompt_opts=(cr percent subst) |
# Load required functions. |
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook |
# Add hook for calling git-info before each command. |
add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_paradox_preexec |
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_paradox_precmd |
# Set editor-info parameters. |
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:completing' format '%B%F{red}...%f%b' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary' format '%B%F{blue}❯%f%b' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:overwrite' format '%F{red}♺%f' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:alternate' format '%B%F{red}❮%f%b' |
# Set git-info parameters. |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info' verbose 'yes' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:action' format ' ⁝ %s' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:added' format ' ✚' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:ahead' format ' ⬆' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:behind' format ' ⬇' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:branch' format '⭠ %b' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:commit' format '➦ %.7c' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:deleted' format ' ✖' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:dirty' format ' ⁝' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:modified' format ' ✱' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:position' format '%p' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:renamed' format ' ➙' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:stashed' format ' S' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:unmerged' format ' ═' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:untracked' format ' ?' |
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format \ |
'ref' '$(coalesce "%b" "%p" "%c")' \ |
'status' '%s%D%A%B%S%a%d%m%r%U%u' |
# Define prompts. |
${(e)$(prompt_paradox_build_prompt)} |
${editor_info[keymap]} ' |
RPROMPT='%F{blue}[%F{green}%D{%H:%M:%S}%F{blue}]%f' |
SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{red}%R%f to %F{green}%r%f [nyae]? ' |
} |
prompt_paradox_setup "$@" |
Reference in new issue