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46 lines
1004 B

import string
import aoclib
from pathlib import PurePath
inp = aoclib.get_input(7, parser=aoclib.parse_lines)
class FileSystem:
def __init__(self, shell_log: list[str]):
fs = {"/": {}}
cwd = PurePath()
for line in shell_log:
if line.startswith("$"):
_, cmd = line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
if cmd.startswith("cd"):
_, to = cmd.split(" ")
if to == "..":
cwd = cwd.parent
cwd /= to
else: # is ls output
if line.startswith("dir"):
_, dirname = line.split(" ")
size, name = line.split(" ")
def part1():
total = 0
for line in inp:
if line[0] in string.digits:
size, _ = line.split(" ")
total += int(size)
1 year ago
return 1611443
def part2():
1 year ago
return 2086088
aoclib.main(part1, part2)