emulator for a made-up cpu architecture. learning experience :)
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821 B

mod console;
use alea_core::prelude::*;
use bytes::BytesMut;
use console::Console;
use tracing::info;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
fn main() {
let mut cpu = CPU::default();
let hello_world_data = BytesMut::from(b"hello, world!\n\x17".as_slice());
let program = BytesMut::from(include_bytes!("hello.alea").as_slice());
let mem = BytesMut::zeroed(0x4000);
let console = Console(BytesMut::zeroed(0x20));
cpu.mmap.add(program, 0x0).unwrap();
cpu.mmap.add(hello_world_data, 0x2000).unwrap();
cpu.mmap.add(mem, 0x4000).unwrap();
cpu.mmap.add(console, 0x8000).unwrap();
cpu.step_wait = false;
info!("running with {}", cpu.mmap);