FROM buildpack-deps:latest as builder WORKDIR /tmp COPY ./docker/ /usr/local/bin/download_citra RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y jq ARG CITRA_CHANNEL=nightly ARG CITRA_RELEASE=1995 RUN download_citra ${CITRA_CHANNEL} ${CITRA_RELEASE} <<<<<<< Updated upstream:run-tests/Dockerfile FROM devkitpro/devkitarm:latest as devkitarm ======= FROM devkitpro/devkitarm as devkitarm >>>>>>> Stashed changes:Dockerfile # For some reason, citra isn't always happy when you try to run it for the first time, # so we build a simple dummy program to force it to create its directory structure RUN cd /opt/devkitpro/examples/3ds/graphics/printing/hello-world && \ echo 'int main(int, char**) {}' > source/main.c && \ make && \ mv hello-world.3dsx /tmp/ FROM ubuntu:latest RUN --mount=type=cache,sharing=locked,target=/var/cache/apt \ apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install -y \ libswscale5 \ libsdl2-2.0-0 \ libavformat58 \ libavfilter7 \ xvfb COPY --from=devkitarm /opt/devkitpro /opt/devkitpro # There's no way to copy ENV values from other stages properly: # # Luckily in this case we know exactly what the values should be: ENV DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro ENV DEVKITARM=${DEVKITPRO}/devkitARM ENV PATH=${DEVKITARM}/bin:${PATH} COPY --from=builder /tmp/citra.AppImage /usr/local/bin/citra COPY --from=devkitarm /tmp/hello-world.3dsx /tmp/ # We run citra once before copying our config file, so it should create its # necessary directory structure and run once with defaults RUN xvfb-run citra --appimage-extract-and-run /tmp/hello-world.3dsx; \ rm -f /tmp/hello-world.3dsx # Initial run seems to miss this one directory so just make it manually RUN mkdir -p /root/.local/share/citra-emu/log COPY ./docker/sdl2-config.ini /root/.config/citra-emu/ COPY ./docker/test-runner.gdb /app/ COPY ./docker/ /app/ WORKDIR /app ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/" ]