@ -3,743 +3,22 @@
@@ -3,743 +3,22 @@
#![allow(non_camel_case_types)] |
#![allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] |
use std::ptr; |
mod condvar; |
mod misc; |
mod mutex; |
mod rwlock; |
mod thread; |
mod thread_keys; |
/// Call this somewhere to force Rust to link this module.
/// The call doesn't need to execute, just exist.
/// See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47384
pub fn init() {} |
/// The main thread's thread ID. It is "null" because libctru didn't spawn it.
const MAIN_THREAD_ID: libc::pthread_t = 0; |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_create( |
native: *mut libc::pthread_t, |
attr: *const libc::pthread_attr_t, |
entrypoint: extern "C" fn(_: *mut libc::c_void) -> *mut libc::c_void, |
value: *mut libc::c_void, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *const PThreadAttr; |
let stack_size = (*attr).stack_size as ctru_sys::size_t; |
let priority = (*attr).priority; |
let processor_id = (*attr).processor_id; |
extern "C" fn thread_start(main: *mut libc::c_void) { |
unsafe { |
Box::from_raw(main as *mut Box<dyn FnOnce() -> *mut libc::c_void>)(); |
} |
} |
// The closure needs a fat pointer (64 bits) to work since it captures a variable and is thus a
// trait object, but *mut void is only 32 bits. We need double indirection to pass along the
// full closure data.
// We make this closure in the first place because threadCreate expects a void return type, but
// entrypoint returns a pointer so the types are incompatible.
let main: *mut Box<dyn FnOnce() -> *mut libc::c_void> = |
Box::into_raw(Box::new(Box::new(move || entrypoint(value)))); |
let thread = ctru_sys::threadCreate( |
Some(thread_start), |
main as *mut libc::c_void, |
stack_size, |
priority, |
processor_id, |
false, |
); |
if thread.is_null() { |
// There was some error, but libctru doesn't expose the result.
// We assume there was permissions issue (such as too low of a priority).
// We also need to clean up the closure at this time.
drop(Box::from_raw(main)); |
return libc::EPERM; |
} |
*native = thread as _; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_join( |
native: libc::pthread_t, |
_value: *mut *mut libc::c_void, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
if native == MAIN_THREAD_ID { |
// This is not a valid thread to join on
return libc::EINVAL; |
} |
let result = ctru_sys::threadJoin(native as ctru_sys::Thread, u64::MAX); |
if ctru_sys::R_FAILED(result) { |
// TODO: improve the error code by checking the result further?
return libc::EINVAL; |
} |
ctru_sys::threadFree(native as ctru_sys::Thread); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_detach(thread: libc::pthread_t) -> libc::c_int { |
if thread == MAIN_THREAD_ID { |
// This is not a valid thread to detach
return libc::EINVAL; |
} |
ctru_sys::threadDetach(thread as ctru_sys::Thread); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_self() -> libc::pthread_t { |
ctru_sys::threadGetCurrent() as libc::pthread_t |
} |
unsafe fn get_main_thread_handle() -> Result<ctru_sys::Handle, ctru_sys::Result> { |
// Unfortunately I don't know of any better way to get the main thread's
// handle, other than via svcGetThreadList and svcOpenThread.
// Experimentally, the main thread ID is always the first in the list.
let mut thread_ids = [0; 1]; |
let mut thread_ids_count = 0; |
let result = ctru_sys::svcGetThreadList( |
&mut thread_ids_count, |
thread_ids.as_mut_ptr(), |
thread_ids.len() as i32, |
); |
if ctru_sys::R_FAILED(result) { |
return Err(result); |
} |
// Get the main thread's handle
let main_thread_id = thread_ids[0]; |
let mut main_thread_handle = 0; |
let result = ctru_sys::svcOpenThread( |
&mut main_thread_handle, |
main_thread_id, |
); |
if ctru_sys::R_FAILED(result) { |
return Err(result); |
} |
Ok(main_thread_handle) |
} |
unsafe fn get_thread_handle(native: libc::pthread_t) -> Result<ctru_sys::Handle, ctru_sys::Result> { |
if native == MAIN_THREAD_ID { |
get_main_thread_handle() |
} else { |
Ok(ctru_sys::threadGetHandle(native as ctru_sys::Thread)) |
} |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_getschedparam( |
native: libc::pthread_t, |
policy: *mut libc::c_int, |
param: *mut libc::sched_param, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let handle = match get_thread_handle(native) { |
Ok(handle) => handle, |
Err(_) => return libc::ESRCH, |
}; |
if handle == u32::MAX { |
// The thread has already finished
return libc::ESRCH; |
} |
let mut priority = 0; |
let result = ctru_sys::svcGetThreadPriority(&mut priority, handle); |
if ctru_sys::R_FAILED(result) { |
// Some error occurred. This is the only error defined for this
// function, so return it. Maybe the thread exited while this function
// was exiting?
return libc::ESRCH; |
} |
(*param).sched_priority = priority; |
// SCHED_FIFO is closest to how the cooperative app core works, while
// SCHED_RR is closest to how the preemptive sys core works.
// However, we don't have an API to get the current processor ID of a chosen
// thread (only the current), so we just always return SCHED_FIFO.
(*policy) = libc::SCHED_FIFO; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_setschedparam( |
native: libc::pthread_t, |
policy: libc::c_int, |
param: *const libc::sched_param, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
if policy != libc::SCHED_FIFO { |
// We only accept SCHED_FIFO. See the note in pthread_getschedparam.
return libc::EINVAL; |
} |
let handle = match get_thread_handle(native) { |
Ok(handle) => handle, |
Err(_) => return libc::EINVAL, |
}; |
if handle == u32::MAX { |
// The thread has already finished
return libc::ESRCH; |
} |
let result = ctru_sys::svcSetThreadPriority(handle, (*param).sched_priority); |
if ctru_sys::R_FAILED(result) { |
// Probably the priority is out of the permissible bounds
// TODO: improve the error code by checking the result further?
return libc::EPERM; |
} |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_getprocessorid_np() -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::svcGetProcessorID() |
} |
/// Internal struct for storing pthread attribute data
/// Must be less than or equal to the size of `libc::pthread_attr_t`. We assert
/// this below via static_assertions.
struct PThreadAttr { |
stack_size: libc::size_t, |
priority: libc::c_int, |
processor_id: libc::c_int, |
} |
impl Default for PThreadAttr { |
fn default() -> Self { |
// Note: we are ignoring the result here, but errors shouldn't occur
// since we're using a valid handle.
let mut priority = 0; |
unsafe { ctru_sys::svcGetThreadPriority(&mut priority, ctru_sys::CUR_THREAD_HANDLE) }; |
PThreadAttr { |
stack_size: libc::PTHREAD_STACK_MIN, |
// If no priority value is specified, spawn with the same priority
// as the current thread
priority, |
// If no processor is specified, spawn on the default core.
// (determined by the application's Exheader)
processor_id: -2, |
} |
} |
} |
static_assertions::const_assert!( |
std::mem::size_of::<PThreadAttr>() <= std::mem::size_of::<libc::pthread_attr_t>() |
); |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_init(attr: *mut libc::pthread_attr_t) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *mut PThreadAttr; |
*attr = PThreadAttr::default(); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_destroy(attr: *mut libc::pthread_attr_t) -> libc::c_int { |
ptr::drop_in_place(attr as *mut PThreadAttr); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_setstacksize( |
attr: *mut libc::pthread_attr_t, |
stack_size: libc::size_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *mut PThreadAttr; |
(*attr).stack_size = stack_size; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_getschedparam( |
attr: *const libc::pthread_attr_t, |
param: *mut libc::sched_param, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *const PThreadAttr; |
(*param).sched_priority = (*attr).priority; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_setschedparam( |
attr: *mut libc::pthread_attr_t, |
param: *const libc::sched_param, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *mut PThreadAttr; |
(*attr).priority = (*param).sched_priority; |
// TODO: we could validate the priority here if we wanted?
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_getprocessorid_np( |
attr: *const libc::pthread_attr_t, |
processor_id: *mut libc::c_int, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *mut PThreadAttr; |
(*processor_id) = (*attr).processor_id; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_attr_setprocessorid_np( |
attr: *mut libc::pthread_attr_t, |
processor_id: libc::c_int, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr = attr as *mut PThreadAttr; |
(*attr).processor_id = processor_id; |
// TODO: we could validate the processor ID here if we wanted?
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn sched_yield() -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::svcSleepThread(0); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_init( |
cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t, |
_attr: *const libc::pthread_condattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::CondVar_Init(cond as _); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_signal(cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t) -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::CondVar_WakeUp(cond as _, 1); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_broadcast(cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t) -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::CondVar_WakeUp(cond as _, -1); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_wait( |
cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t, |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
ctru_sys::CondVar_Wait(cond as _, lock as _); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_timedwait( |
cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t, |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t, |
abstime: *const libc::timespec, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
// libctru expects a duration, but we have an absolute timestamp.
// Convert to a duration before calling libctru.
// Get the current time so we can make a duration
let mut now = libc::timeval { |
tv_sec: 0, |
tv_usec: 0, |
}; |
let r = libc::gettimeofday(&mut now, ptr::null_mut()); |
if r != 0 { |
return r; |
} |
// Calculate the duration
let duration_nsec = (*abstime) |
.tv_sec |
// Get the difference in seconds
.saturating_sub(now.tv_sec) |
// Convert to nanoseconds
.saturating_mul(1_000_000_000) |
// Add the difference in nanoseconds
.saturating_add((*abstime).tv_nsec as i64) |
.saturating_sub(now.tv_usec as i64 * 1_000) |
// Don't go negative
.max(0); |
let r = ctru_sys::CondVar_WaitTimeout(cond as _, lock as _, duration_nsec); |
// CondVar_WaitTimeout returns a boolean which is true (nonzero) if it timed out
if r == 0 { |
0 |
} else { |
} |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_cond_destroy(_cond: *mut libc::pthread_cond_t) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutexattr_init( |
_attr: *mut libc::pthread_mutexattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutexattr_settype( |
attr: *mut libc::pthread_mutexattr_t, |
_type: libc::c_int, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let attr: *mut libc::c_int = attr as _; |
*attr = _type as _; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutex_init( |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t, |
attr: *const libc::pthread_mutexattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let lock = lock as *mut u8; |
let attr: libc::c_int = *(attr as *const libc::c_int); |
if attr == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL { |
ctru_sys::LightLock_Init(lock as _); |
} else if attr == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE { |
ctru_sys::RecursiveLock_Init(lock as _) |
} |
*(lock.offset(39)) = attr as u8; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutex_destroy(_lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutex_lock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t) -> libc::c_int { |
let lock = lock as *const u8; |
if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL as u8 { |
ctru_sys::LightLock_Lock(lock as _); |
} else if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE as u8 { |
ctru_sys::RecursiveLock_Lock(lock as _); |
} |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutex_trylock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t) -> libc::c_int { |
let lock = lock as *const u8; |
if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL as u8 { |
return ctru_sys::LightLock_TryLock(lock as _); |
} else if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE as u8 { |
return ctru_sys::RecursiveLock_TryLock(lock as _); |
} |
-1 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutex_unlock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_mutex_t) -> libc::c_int { |
let lock = lock as *const u8; |
if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL as u8 { |
ctru_sys::LightLock_Unlock(lock as _); |
} else if *(lock.offset(39)) as u8 == libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE as u8 { |
ctru_sys::RecursiveLock_Unlock(lock as _); |
} |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_mutexattr_destroy( |
_attr: *mut libc::pthread_mutexattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
struct rwlock_clear { |
mutex: libc::pthread_mutex_t, |
cvar: i32, |
num_readers: i32, |
writer_active: bool, |
initialized: bool, |
} |
/// Initializes the rwlock internal members if they weren't already
fn init_rwlock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t) { |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
unsafe { |
if !(*lock).initialized { |
let mut attr = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::pthread_mutexattr_t>::uninit(); |
pthread_mutexattr_init(attr.as_mut_ptr()); |
let mut attr = attr.assume_init(); |
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mut attr, libc::PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL); |
pthread_mutex_init(&mut (*lock).mutex, &attr); |
pthread_cond_init(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as *mut _, core::ptr::null()); |
(*lock).num_readers = 0; |
(*lock).writer_active = false; |
(*lock).initialized = true; |
} |
} |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_init( |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t, |
_attr: *const libc::pthread_rwlockattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_destroy(_lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_rdlock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
while (*lock).writer_active { |
pthread_cond_wait(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _, &mut (*lock).mutex); |
} |
(*lock).num_readers += 1; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock( |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
if pthread_mutex_trylock(&mut (*lock).mutex) != 0 { |
return -1; |
} |
while (*lock).writer_active { |
pthread_cond_wait(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _, &mut (*lock).mutex); |
} |
(*lock).num_readers += 1; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_wrlock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
while (*lock).writer_active || (*lock).num_readers > 0 { |
pthread_cond_wait(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _, &mut (*lock).mutex); |
} |
(*lock).writer_active = true; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_trywrlock( |
lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
if pthread_mutex_trylock(&mut (*lock).mutex) != 0 { |
return -1; |
} |
while (*lock).writer_active || (*lock).num_readers > 0 { |
pthread_cond_wait(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _, &mut (*lock).mutex); |
} |
(*lock).writer_active = true; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlock_unlock(lock: *mut libc::pthread_rwlock_t) -> libc::c_int { |
init_rwlock(lock); |
let lock = lock as *mut rwlock_clear; |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
// If there are readers and no writer => Must be a reader
if (*lock).num_readers > 0 && !(*lock).writer_active { |
(*lock).num_readers -= 1; |
// If there are no more readers, signal to a waiting writer
if (*lock).num_readers == 0 { |
pthread_cond_signal(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _); |
} |
// If there are no readers and a writer => Must be a writer
} else if (*lock).num_readers == 0 && (*lock).writer_active { |
(*lock).writer_active = false; |
pthread_cond_broadcast(&mut (*lock).cvar as *mut i32 as _); |
} |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut (*lock).mutex); |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlockattr_init( |
_attr: *mut libc::pthread_rwlockattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_rwlockattr_destroy( |
_attr: *mut libc::pthread_rwlockattr_t, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_sigmask( |
_how: ::libc::c_int, |
_set: *const libc::sigset_t, |
_oldset: *mut libc::sigset_t, |
) -> ::libc::c_int { |
-1 |
} |
use spin::rwlock::RwLock; |
use std::collections::BTreeMap; |
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; |
type Key = usize; |
type Destructor = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut libc::c_void); |
static NEXT_KEY: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1); |
// This is a spin-lock RwLock which yields the thread every loop
static KEYS: RwLock<BTreeMap<Key, Option<Destructor>>, spin::Yield> = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()); |
#[thread_local] |
static mut LOCALS: BTreeMap<Key, *mut libc::c_void> = BTreeMap::new(); |
fn is_valid_key(key: Key) -> bool { |
KEYS.read().contains_key(&(key as Key)) |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_key_create( |
key: *mut libc::pthread_key_t, |
destructor: Option<Destructor>, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let new_key = NEXT_KEY.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); |
KEYS.write().insert(new_key, destructor); |
*key = new_key as libc::pthread_key_t; |
0 |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_key_delete(key: libc::pthread_key_t) -> libc::c_int { |
match KEYS.write().remove(&(key as Key)) { |
// We had a entry, so it was a valid key.
// It's officially undefined behavior if they use the key after this,
// so don't worry about cleaning up LOCALS, especially since we can't
// clean up every thread's map.
Some(_) => 0, |
// The key is unknown
None => libc::EINVAL, |
} |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_getspecific(key: libc::pthread_key_t) -> *mut libc::c_void { |
if let Some(&value) = LOCALS.get(&(key as Key)) { |
value as _ |
} else { |
// Note: we don't care if the key is invalid, we still return null
ptr::null_mut() |
} |
} |
#[no_mangle] |
pub unsafe extern "C" fn pthread_setspecific( |
key: libc::pthread_key_t, |
value: *const libc::c_void, |
) -> libc::c_int { |
let key = key as Key; |
if !is_valid_key(key) { |
return libc::EINVAL; |
} |
LOCALS.insert(key, value as *mut _); |
0 |
pub fn init() { |
condvar::init(); |
misc::init(); |
mutex::init(); |
rwlock::init(); |
thread::init(); |
thread_keys::init(); |
} |