Rust wrapper for libctru
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
1.6 KiB

extern crate ctru;
use ctru::gfx::Gfx;
use ctru::console::Console;
use ctru::services::apt::Apt;
use ctru::services::hid::{Hid, KeyPad};
use ctru::applets::swkbd::{Swkbd, Button};
fn main() {
let apt = Apt::init().unwrap();
let hid = Hid::init().unwrap();
let gfx = Gfx::default();
let _console = Console::default();
println!("Press A to enter some text or press Start to quit");
while apt.main_loop() {
if hid.keys_down().contains(KeyPad::KEY_A) {
// Prepares a software keyboard with two buttons: One to cancel input and one
// to accept it. You can also use `Swkbd::init()` to launch the keyboard in different
// configurations.
let mut keyboard = Swkbd::default();
// String used to store text received from the keyboard
let mut text = String::new();
// Raise the software keyboard. You can perform different actions depending on which
// software button the user pressed
match keyboard.get_utf8(&mut text) {
Ok(Button::Right) => println!("You entered: {}", text),
Ok(Button::Left) => println!("Cancelled"),
Ok(Button::Middle) => println!("How did you even press this?"),
Err(_) => println!("Oh noes, an error happened!"),
if hid.keys_down().contains(KeyPad::KEY_START) {