#![no_std] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] #![allow(clippy::all)] #![cfg_attr(test, feature(custom_test_frameworks))] #![cfg_attr(test, test_runner(test_runner::run_gdb))] #![doc( html_favicon_url = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11131775/225929072-2fa1741c-93ae-4b47-9bdf-af70f3d59910.png" )] #![doc( html_logo_url = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11131775/225929072-2fa1741c-93ae-4b47-9bdf-af70f3d59910.png" )] #![doc(html_root_url = "https://rust3ds.github.io/ctru-rs/crates")] pub mod result; pub use result::*; // Fun fact: C compilers are allowed to represent enums as the smallest integer type that can hold all of its variants, // meaning that enums are allowed to be the size of a `c_short` or a `c_char` rather than the size of a `c_int`. // Libctru's `errorConf` struct contains two enums that depend on this narrowing property for size and alignment purposes, // and since `bindgen` generates all enums with `c_int` sizing, we have to blocklist those types and manually define them // here with the proper size. pub const ERROR_UNKNOWN: errorReturnCode = -1; pub const ERROR_NONE: errorReturnCode = 0; pub const ERROR_SUCCESS: errorReturnCode = 1; pub const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: errorReturnCode = 2; pub const ERROR_HOME_BUTTON: errorReturnCode = 10; pub const ERROR_SOFTWARE_RESET: errorReturnCode = 11; pub const ERROR_POWER_BUTTON: errorReturnCode = 12; pub type errorReturnCode = libc::c_schar; pub const ERROR_NORMAL: errorScreenFlag = 0; pub const ERROR_STEREO: errorScreenFlag = 1; pub type errorScreenFlag = libc::c_char; include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs")); /// In lieu of a proper errno function exposed by libc /// (). pub unsafe fn errno() -> s32 { *__errno() } // Prevent linking errors from the standard `test` library when running `cargo 3ds test --lib`. #[cfg(test)] extern crate shim_3ds;