/// The [`Console`] will take full possession of the screen handed to it as long as it stays alive. It also supports ANSI codes.
/// The [`Console`] will take full possession of the screen handed to it as long as it stays alive. It also supports some ANSI codes, such as text color and cursor positioning.
/// The [`Console`]'s window will have a size of 40x30 on the bottom screen, 50x30 on the normal top screen and
/// 100x30 on the top screen when wide mode is enabled.
/// # Alternatives
/// If you'd like to see live `stdout` output while running the application but cannnot/do not want to show the text on the 3DS itself,
/// If you'd like to see live `stdout` output while running the application but cannot or do not want to show the text on the 3DS itself,
/// you can try using [`Soc::redirect_to_3dslink`](crate::services::soc::Soc::redirect_to_3dslink) while activating the `--server` flag for `3dslink` (also supported by `cargo-3ds`).
/// More info in the `cargo-3ds` docs.
/// More info in the [`cargo-3ds` docs](https://github.com/rust3ds/cargo-3ds#running-executables).
/// Some values are not ordered *like* the Mii Editor UI. The mapped values can be seen [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Mii#Mapped_Editor_.3C-.3E_Hex_values).
/// This struct can be retrieved by [`MiiSelector::lauch()`](crate::applets::mii_selector::MiiSelector::launch).
/// This struct can be retrieved by [`MiiSelector::launch()`](crate::applets::mii_selector::MiiSelector::launch).