@ -1,84 +1,60 @@
@@ -1,84 +1,60 @@
use std ::mem ::MaybeUninit ;
pub use private ::Matrix ;
use super ::{ CoordinateOrientation , FVec3 } ;
mod private {
use std ::fmt ;
/// An `M`x`N` row-major matrix of `f32`s.
#[ doc(alias = " C3D_Mtx " ) ]
#[ derive(Clone) ]
pub struct Matrix < const M : usize , const N : usize > ( citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx ) ;
impl < const M : usize , const N : usize > Matrix < M , N > {
const ROW_SIZE : ( ) = assert! ( M = = 3 | | M = = 4 ) ;
const COLUMN_SIZE : ( ) = assert! ( N > 0 & & N < = 4 ) ;
// This constructor validates, at compile time, that the
// constructed matrix is 3xN or 4xN matrix, where 0 < N ≤ 4.
// We put this struct in a submodule to enforce that nothing creates
// a Matrix without calling this constructor.
#[ allow(clippy::let_unit_value) ]
pub ( crate ) fn new ( value : citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx ) -> Self {
let ( ) = Self ::ROW_SIZE ;
let ( ) = Self ::COLUMN_SIZE ;
Self ( value )
pub ( crate ) fn as_raw ( & self ) -> * const citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
& self . 0
use super ::{ CoordinateOrientation , FVec3 , FVec4 } ;
pub ( crate ) fn into_raw ( self ) -> citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
self . 0
/// A 4x4 row-major matrix of `f32`s.
/// # Layout details
/// Rows are actually stored as WZYX in memory. There are helper functions
/// for accessing the rows in XYZW form. The `Debug` implementation prints
/// the shows in WZYX form
/// It is also guaranteed to have the same layout as [`citro3d_sys::C3D_Mtx`]
#[ doc(alias = " C3D_Mtx " ) ]
#[ derive(Clone, Copy) ]
#[ repr(transparent) ]
pub struct Matrix4 ( citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx ) ;
pub ( crate ) fn as_mut ( & mut self ) -> * mut citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
& mut self . 0
impl Matrix4 {
/// Construct a Matrix4 from the cells
/// # Note
/// This expects rows to be in WZYX order
pub fn from_cells_wzyx ( cells : [ f32 ; 16 ] ) -> Self {
Self ( citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx { m : cells } )
/// Construct a Matrix4 from its rows
pub fn from_rows ( rows : [ FVec4 ; 4 ] ) -> Self {
Self ( citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
r : rows . map ( | r | r . 0 ) ,
} )
/// Create a new matrix from a raw citro3d_sys one
pub fn from_raw ( value : citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx ) -> Self {
Self ( value )
/// Trim the matrix down to only the rows and columns we care about,
/// since the inner representation is always 4x4.
/// NOTE: this probably shouldn't be used in hot paths since it copies
/// the underlying storage. For some use cases slicing might be better,
/// although the underlying slice would always contain extra values for
/// matrices smaller than 4x4.
pub ( crate ) fn as_rows ( & self ) -> [ [ f32 ; N ] ; M ] {
let rows = unsafe { self . 0. r } . map ( | row | -> [ f32 ; N ] {
// Rows are stored in WZYX order, so we slice from back to front.
// UNWRAP: N ≤ 4, so slicing to a smaller array should always work
unsafe { row . c [ ( 4 - N ) .. ] . try_into ( ) } . unwrap ( )
} ) ;
// UNWRAP: M ≤ 4, so slicing to a smaller array should always work
rows [ .. M ] . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( )
pub fn as_raw ( & self ) -> & citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
& self . 0
impl < const M : usize , const N : usize > fmt ::Debug for Matrix < M , N > {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
let inner = self . as_rows ( ) . map ( | mut row | {
// Rows are stored in WZYX order which is opposite of how most people
// probably expect, so reverse each row in-place for debug printing
row . reverse ( ) ;
} ) ;
pub fn as_raw_mut ( & mut self ) -> & mut citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
& mut self . 0
let type_name = std ::any ::type_name ::< Self > ( ) . split ( "::" ) . last ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
f . debug_tuple ( type_name ) . field ( & inner ) . finish ( )
pub fn into_raw ( self ) -> citro3d_sys ::C3D_Mtx {
self . 0
/// A 3x3 row-major matrix of `f32`s.
pub type Matrix3 = Matrix < 3 , 3 > ;
/// A 4x4 row-major matrix of `f32`s.
pub type Matrix4 = Matrix < 4 , 4 > ;
/// Get the rows in raw (WZYX) form
pub fn rows_wzyx ( self ) -> [ FVec4 ; 4 ] {
unsafe { self . 0. r } . map ( FVec4 ::from_raw )
impl < const M : usize , const N : usize > Matrix < M , N > {
/// Get the rows in XYZW form
pub fn rows_xyzw ( self ) -> [ [ f32 ; 4 ] ; 4 ] {
self . rows_wzyx ( ) . map ( | r | [ r . x ( ) , r . y ( ) , r . z ( ) , r . w ( ) ] )
/// Construct the zero matrix.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Zeros " ) ]
pub fn zero ( ) -> Self {
@ -86,17 +62,17 @@ impl<const M: usize, const N: usize> Matrix<M, N> {
@@ -86,17 +62,17 @@ impl<const M: usize, const N: usize> Matrix<M, N> {
let mut out = MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ;
unsafe {
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Zeros ( out . as_mut_ptr ( ) ) ;
Self ::ne w( out . assume_init ( ) )
Self ::from_ra w( out . assume_init ( ) )
/// Transpose the matrix, swapping rows and columns.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Transpose " ) ]
pub fn transpose ( mut self ) -> Matrix < N , M > {
pub fn transpose ( mut self ) -> Matrix4 {
unsafe {
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Transpose ( self . as_mut ( ) ) ;
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Transpose ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) ) ;
Matrix ::ne w ( self . into_raw ( ) )
Matrix4 ::from_ra w ( self . into_raw ( ) )
// region: Matrix transformations
@ -111,43 +87,39 @@ impl<const M: usize, const N: usize> Matrix<M, N> {
@@ -111,43 +87,39 @@ impl<const M: usize, const N: usize> Matrix<M, N> {
/// directions.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Translate " ) ]
pub fn translate ( & mut self , x : f32 , y : f32 , z : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Translate ( self . as_mut ( ) , x , y , z , false ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Translate ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , x , y , z , false ) }
/// Scale a transformation matrix by the given amounts in the X, Y, and Z directions.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Scale " ) ]
pub fn scale ( & mut self , x : f32 , y : f32 , z : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Scale ( self . as_mut ( ) , x , y , z ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Scale ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , x , y , z ) }
/// Rotate a transformation matrix by the given angle around the given axis.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Rotate " ) ]
pub fn rotate ( & mut self , axis : FVec3 , angle : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Rotate ( self . as_mut ( ) , axis . 0 , angle , false ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Rotate ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , axis . 0 , angle , false ) }
/// Rotate a transformation matrix by the given angle around the X axis.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_RotateX " ) ]
pub fn rotate_x ( & mut self , angle : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateX ( self . as_mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateX ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
/// Rotate a transformation matrix by the given angle around the Y axis.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_RotateY " ) ]
pub fn rotate_y ( & mut self , angle : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateY ( self . as_mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateY ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
/// Rotate a transformation matrix by the given angle around the Z axis.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_RotateZ " ) ]
pub fn rotate_z ( & mut self , angle : f32 ) {
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateZ ( self . as_mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_RotateZ ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) , angle , false ) }
// endregion
impl < const N : usize > Matrix < N , N > {
/// Find the inverse of the matrix.
/// # Errors
@ -155,7 +127,7 @@ impl<const N: usize> Matrix<N, N> {
@@ -155,7 +127,7 @@ impl<const N: usize> Matrix<N, N> {
/// If the matrix has no inverse, it will be returned unchanged as an [`Err`].
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Inverse " ) ]
pub fn inverse ( mut self ) -> Result < Self , Self > {
let determinant = unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Inverse ( self . as_mut ( ) ) } ;
let determinant = unsafe { citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Inverse ( self . as_raw_ mut ( ) ) } ;
if determinant = = 0.0 {
Err ( self )
} else {
@ -169,31 +141,17 @@ impl<const N: usize> Matrix<N, N> {
@@ -169,31 +141,17 @@ impl<const N: usize> Matrix<N, N> {
let mut out = MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ;
unsafe {
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Identity ( out . as_mut_ptr ( ) ) ;
Self ::new ( out . assume_init ( ) )
impl Matrix3 {
/// Construct a 3x3 matrix with the given values on the diagonal.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Diagonal " ) ]
pub fn diagonal ( x : f32 , y : f32 , z : f32 ) -> Self {
let mut out = MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ;
unsafe {
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Diagonal ( out . as_mut_ptr ( ) , x , y , z , 0.0 ) ;
Self ::new ( out . assume_init ( ) )
Self ::from_raw ( out . assume_init ( ) )
impl Matrix4 {
/// Construct a 4x4 matrix with the given values on the diagonal.
#[ doc(alias = " Mtx_Diagonal " ) ]
pub fn diagonal ( x : f32 , y : f32 , z : f32 , w : f32 ) -> Self {
let mut out = MaybeUninit ::uninit ( ) ;
unsafe {
citro3d_sys ::Mtx_Diagonal ( out . as_mut_ptr ( ) , x , y , z , w ) ;
Self ::ne w( out . assume_init ( ) )
Self ::from_raw ( out . assume_init ( ) )
@ -215,7 +173,27 @@ impl Matrix4 {
@@ -215,7 +173,27 @@ impl Matrix4 {
camera_up . 0 ,
coordinates . is_left_handed ( ) ,
) ;
Self ::ne w( out . assume_init ( ) )
Self ::from_ra w( out . assume_init ( ) )
impl core ::fmt ::Debug for Matrix4 {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut std ::fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> std ::fmt ::Result {
f . debug_tuple ( "Matrix4" ) . field ( & self . rows_wzyx ( ) ) . finish ( )
#[ cfg(feature = " glam " ) ]
impl From < glam ::Mat4 > for Matrix4 {
fn from ( mat : glam ::Mat4 ) -> Self {
Matrix4 ::from_rows ( core ::array ::from_fn ( | i | mat . row ( i ) . into ( ) ) )
#[ cfg(feature = " glam " ) ]
impl From < Matrix4 > for glam ::Mat4 {
fn from ( mat : Matrix4 ) -> Self {
glam ::Mat4 ::from_cols_array_2d ( & mat . rows_xyzw ( ) ) . transpose ( )