use cargo_metadata::{Message, MetadataCommand}; use rustc_version::{Channel, Version}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::ExitStatus; use std::{ env, fmt, io, process::{self, Command, Stdio}, }; #[derive(serde_derive::Deserialize, Default)] struct CTRConfig { name: String, author: String, description: String, icon: String, target_path: PathBuf, cargo_manifest_path: PathBuf, } impl CTRConfig { fn path_3dsx(&self) -> PathBuf { self.target_path.with_extension("3dsx") } fn path_smdh(&self) -> PathBuf { self.target_path.with_extension("smdh") } } #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] struct CommitDate { year: i32, month: i32, day: i32, } impl CommitDate { fn parse(date: &str) -> Option { let mut iter = date.split('-'); let year =; let month =; let day =; Some(Self { year, month, day }) } } impl fmt::Display for CommitDate { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}", self.year, self.month, } } const MINIMUM_COMMIT_DATE: CommitDate = CommitDate { year: 2021, month: 10, day: 1, }; const MINIMUM_RUSTC_VERSION: Version = Version::new(1, 56, 0); fn main() { check_rust_version(); if env::args().any(|arg| arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") { print_usage(&mut io::stdout()); return; } // Get the command and collect the remaining arguments let cargo_command = CargoCommand::from_args().unwrap_or_else(|| { print_usage(&mut io::stderr()); process::exit(2) }); eprintln!("Running Cargo"); let (status, messages) = cargo_command.build_elf(); if !status.success() { process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } if !cargo_command.should_build_3dsx() { return; } eprintln!("Getting metadata"); let app_conf = get_metadata(&messages); eprintln!("Building smdh:{}", app_conf.path_smdh().display()); build_smdh(&app_conf); eprintln!("Building 3dsx: {}", app_conf.path_3dsx().display()); build_3dsx(&app_conf); if cargo_command.should_link { eprintln!("Running 3dslink"); link(&app_conf); } } struct CargoCommand { command: String, should_link: bool, args: Vec, } impl CargoCommand { fn from_args() -> Option { // Skip `cargo 3ds`. `cargo-3ds` isn't supported for now let mut args = env::args().skip(2); let command =; let mut remaining_args: Vec = args.collect(); let (command, should_link) = match command.as_str() { "run" => ("build".to_string(), true), "test" => { let no_run = String::from("--no-run"); if remaining_args.contains(&no_run) { (command, false) } else { remaining_args.push(no_run); (command, true) } } _ => (command, false), }; Some(Self { command, should_link, args: remaining_args, }) } fn build_elf(&self) -> (ExitStatus, Vec) { let rustflags = env::var("RUSTFLAGS").unwrap_or_default() + &format!(" -L{}/libctru/lib -lctru", env::var("DEVKITPRO").unwrap()); let cargo = env::var("CARGO").unwrap_or_else(|_| "cargo".to_string()); let mut command = Command::new(cargo) .arg(&self.command) .arg("--message-format=json-render-diagnostics") .arg("-Z") .arg("build-std") .arg("--target") .arg("armv6k-nintendo-3ds") .args(&self.args) .env("RUSTFLAGS", rustflags) .stdin(Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let stdout_reader = std::io::BufReader::new(command.stdout.take().unwrap()); let messages = Message::parse_stream(stdout_reader) .collect::>>() .unwrap(); (command.wait().unwrap(), messages) } fn should_build_3dsx(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.command.as_str(), "build" | "run" | "test") } } fn print_usage(f: &mut impl std::io::Write) { let invocation = { let mut args = std::env::args(); // We do this to properly display `cargo-3ds` if invoked that way let bin =; if let Some("3ds") = { "cargo 3ds".to_string() } else { bin } }; writeln!( f, "{name}: {description}. Usage: {invocation} build [CARGO_OPTS...] {invocation} run [CARGO_OPTS...] {invocation} test [CARGO_OPTS...] {invocation} [CARGO_OPTS...] {invocation} -h | --help Commands: build build a 3dsx executable. run build a 3dsx executable and send it to a device with 3dslink. test build a 3dsx executable from unit/integration tests and send it to a device. execute some other Cargo command with 3ds options configured (ex. check or clippy). Options: -h --help Show this screen. Additional arguments will be passed through to ``. Some that are supported include: [build | run | test] --release test --no-run Other flags may work, but haven't been tested. ", name = env!("CARGO_BIN_NAME"), description = env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"), invocation = invocation, ) .unwrap(); } fn check_rust_version() { let rustc_version = rustc_version::version_meta().unwrap(); if > Channel::Nightly { println!("cargo-3ds requires a nightly rustc version."); println!( "Please run `rustup override set nightly` to use nightly in the \ current directory." ); process::exit(1); } let old_version: bool = MINIMUM_RUSTC_VERSION > rustc_version.semver; let old_commit = match rustc_version.commit_date { None => false, Some(date) => { MINIMUM_COMMIT_DATE > CommitDate::parse(&date).expect("could not parse `rustc --version` commit date") } }; if old_version || old_commit { println!( "cargo-3ds requires rustc nightly version >= {}", MINIMUM_COMMIT_DATE, ); println!("Please run `rustup update nightly` to upgrade your nightly version"); process::exit(1); } } fn get_metadata(messages: &[Message]) -> CTRConfig { let metadata = MetadataCommand::new() .exec() .expect("Failed to get cargo metadata"); let mut package = None; let mut artifact = None; // Extract the final built executable. We may want to fail in cases where // multiple executables, or none, were built? for message in messages.iter().rev() { if let Message::CompilerArtifact(art) = message { if art.executable.is_some() { package = Some(metadata[&art.package_id].clone()); artifact = Some(art.clone()); break; } } } if package.is_none() || artifact.is_none() { eprintln!("No executable found from build command output!"); process::exit(1); } let (package, artifact) = (package.unwrap(), artifact.unwrap()); let mut icon = String::from("./icon.png"); if !Path::new(&icon).exists() { icon = format!( "{}/libctru/default_icon.png", env::var("DEVKITPRO").unwrap() ); } // for now assume a single "kind" since we only support one output artifact let name = match[0].as_ref() { "bin" | "lib" | "rlib" | "dylib" if => { format!("{} tests", } "example" => { format!("{} - {} example",, } _ =>, }; CTRConfig { name, author: package.authors[0].clone(), description: package .description .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("Homebrew Application")), icon, target_path: artifact.executable.unwrap().into(), cargo_manifest_path: package.manifest_path.into(), } } fn build_smdh(config: &CTRConfig) { let mut process = Command::new("smdhtool") .arg("--create") .arg(& .arg(&config.description) .arg(& .arg(&config.icon) .arg(config.path_smdh()) .stdin(Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let status = process.wait().unwrap(); if !status.success() { process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } } fn build_3dsx(config: &CTRConfig) { let mut command = Command::new("3dsxtool"); let mut process = command .arg(&config.target_path) .arg(config.path_3dsx()) .arg(format!("--smdh={}", config.path_smdh().to_string_lossy())); // If romfs directory exists, automatically include it let (romfs_path, is_default_romfs) = get_romfs_path(config); if romfs_path.is_dir() { println!("Adding RomFS from {}", romfs_path.display()); process = process.arg(format!("--romfs={}", romfs_path.to_string_lossy())); } else if !is_default_romfs { eprintln!( "Could not find configured RomFS dir: {}", romfs_path.display() ); process::exit(1); } let mut process = process .stdin(Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let status = process.wait().unwrap(); if !status.success() { process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } } fn link(config: &CTRConfig) { let mut process = Command::new("3dslink") .arg(config.path_3dsx()) .stdin(Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let status = process.wait().unwrap(); if !status.success() { process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } } /// Read the `RomFS` path from the Cargo manifest. If it's unset, use the default. /// The returned boolean is true when the default is used. fn get_romfs_path(config: &CTRConfig) -> (PathBuf, bool) { let manifest_path = &config.cargo_manifest_path; let manifest_str = std::fs::read_to_string(manifest_path) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not open {}: {e}", manifest_path.display())); let manifest_data: toml::Value = toml::de::from_str(&manifest_str).expect("Could not parse Cargo manifest as TOML"); // Find the romfs setting and compute the path let mut is_default = false; let romfs_dir_setting = manifest_data .as_table() .and_then(|table| table.get("package")) .and_then(toml::Value::as_table) .and_then(|table| table.get("metadata")) .and_then(toml::Value::as_table) .and_then(|table| table.get("cargo-3ds")) .and_then(toml::Value::as_table) .and_then(|table| table.get("romfs_dir")) .and_then(toml::Value::as_str) .unwrap_or_else(|| { is_default = true; "romfs" }); let mut romfs_path = manifest_path.clone(); romfs_path.pop(); // Pop Cargo.toml romfs_path.push(romfs_dir_setting); (romfs_path, is_default) }