@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use cargo_metadata ::{ MetadataCommand , Package } ;
use cargo_metadata ::{ Message , MetadataCommand } ;
use rustc_version ::{ Channel , Version } ;
use std ::path ::{ Path , PathBuf } ;
use std ::process ::ExitStatus ;
use std ::{
env , fmt , io ,
process ::{ self , Command , Stdio } ,
@ -12,10 +13,20 @@ struct CTRConfig {
@@ -12,10 +13,20 @@ struct CTRConfig {
author : String ,
description : String ,
icon : String ,
target_path : String ,
target_path : PathBuf ,
cargo_manifest_path : PathBuf ,
impl CTRConfig {
fn path_3dsx ( & self ) -> PathBuf {
self . target_path . with_extension ( "3dsx" )
fn path_smdh ( & self ) -> PathBuf {
self . target_path . with_extension ( "smdh" )
#[ derive(Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Debug) ]
struct CommitDate {
year : i32 ,
@ -56,52 +67,108 @@ fn main() {
@@ -56,52 +67,108 @@ fn main() {
return ;
let optimization_level = if env ::args ( ) . any ( | arg | arg = = "--release" ) {
String ::from ( "release" )
} else {
String ::from ( "debug" )
} ;
// Skip `cargo 3ds`
let mut args = env ::args ( ) . skip ( 2 ) ;
// Get the command and collect the remaining arguments
let command = args . next ( ) ;
let args : Vec < String > = args . collect ( ) ;
let args : Vec < & str > = args . iter ( ) . map ( String ::as_str ) . collect ( ) ;
let ( command , must_link ) = match command . as_deref ( ) {
Some ( "link" ) = > ( "build" , true ) ,
Some ( command ) = > ( command , false ) ,
None = > {
print_usage ( & mut io ::stderr ( ) ) ;
process ::exit ( 2 )
} ;
let cargo_command = CargoCommand ::from_args ( ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | {
print_usage ( & mut io ::stderr ( ) ) ;
process ::exit ( 2 )
} ) ;
eprintln! ( "Running Cargo" ) ;
build_elf ( command , & args ) ;
let ( status , messages ) = cargo_command . build_elf ( ) ;
if ! status . success ( ) {
process ::exit ( status . code ( ) . unwrap_or ( 1 ) ) ;
if command ! = "build" & & ! must_link {
// We only do more work if it's a build or build + 3dslink operation
if ! cargo_command . should_build_3dsx ( ) {
return ;
eprintln! ( "Getting metadata" ) ;
let app_conf = get_metadata ( & args , & optimization_level ) ;
let app_conf = get_metadata ( & messages ) ;
eprintln! ( "Building smdh" ) ;
eprintln! ( "Building smdh:{} " , app_conf . path_smdh ( ) . display ( ) ) ;
build_smdh ( & app_conf ) ;
eprintln! ( "Building 3dsx" ) ;
eprintln! ( "Building 3dsx: {} " , app_conf . path_3dsx ( ) . display ( ) ) ;
build_3dsx ( & app_conf ) ;
if must _link {
if cargo_command . should _link {
eprintln! ( "Running 3dslink" ) ;
link ( & app_conf ) ;
struct CargoCommand {
command : String ,
should_link : bool ,
args : Vec < String > ,
impl CargoCommand {
fn from_args ( ) -> Option < Self > {
// Skip `cargo 3ds`. `cargo-3ds` isn't supported for now
let mut args = env ::args ( ) . skip ( 2 ) ;
let command = args . next ( ) ? ;
let mut remaining_args : Vec < String > = args . collect ( ) ;
let ( command , should_link ) = match command . as_str ( ) {
"link" = > ( "build" . to_string ( ) , true ) ,
"test" = > {
let no_run = String ::from ( "--no-run" ) ;
if remaining_args . contains ( & no_run ) {
( command , false )
} else {
remaining_args . push ( no_run ) ;
( command , true )
_ = > ( command , false ) ,
} ;
Some ( Self {
command ,
should_link ,
args : remaining_args ,
} )
fn build_elf ( & self ) -> ( ExitStatus , Vec < Message > ) {
let rustflags = env ::var ( "RUSTFLAGS" ) . unwrap_or_default ( )
+ & format! ( " -L{}/libctru/lib -lctru" , env ::var ( "DEVKITPRO" ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let cargo = env ::var ( "CARGO" ) . unwrap_or_else ( | _ | "cargo" . to_string ( ) ) ;
let mut command = Command ::new ( cargo )
. arg ( & self . command )
. arg ( "--message-format=json-render-diagnostics" )
. arg ( "-Z" )
. arg ( "build-std" )
. arg ( "--target" )
. arg ( "armv6k-nintendo-3ds" )
. args ( & self . args )
. env ( "RUSTFLAGS" , rustflags )
. stdin ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stdout ( Stdio ::piped ( ) )
. stderr ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. spawn ( )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let stdout_reader = std ::io ::BufReader ::new ( command . stdout . take ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let messages = Message ::parse_stream ( stdout_reader )
. collect ::< io ::Result < Vec < Message > > > ( )
. unwrap ( ) ;
( command . wait ( ) . unwrap ( ) , messages )
fn should_build_3dsx ( & self ) -> bool {
matches! ( self . command . as_str ( ) , "build" | "link" | "test" )
fn print_usage ( f : & mut impl std ::io ::Write ) {
let invocation = {
let mut args = std ::env ::args ( ) ;
@ -120,21 +187,27 @@ fn print_usage(f: &mut impl std::io::Write) {
@@ -120,21 +187,27 @@ fn print_usage(f: &mut impl std::io::Write) {
" { name } : { description } .
Usage :
{ invocation } build [ - - release ] [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } link [ - - release ] [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } build [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } link [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } test [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } < cargo - command > [ CARGO_OPTS .. . ]
{ invocation } - h | - - help
Commands :
build build a 3 dsx executable .
link build a 3 dsx executable and send it to a device with 3 dslink .
test build a 3 dsx executable from unit / integration tests and send it to a device .
< cargo - command > execute some other Cargo command with 3 ds options configured ( ex . check or clippy ) .
Options :
- h - - help Show this screen .
- - release Build in release mode .
Additional arguments will be passed through to ` cargo build ` .
Additional arguments will be passed through to ` < cargo - command > ` . Some that are supported include :
[ build | link | test ] - - release
test - - no - run
Other flags may work , but haven ' t been tested .
" ,
name = env! ( "CARGO_BIN_NAME" ) ,
description = env! ( "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION" ) ,
@ -176,71 +249,33 @@ fn check_rust_version() {
@@ -176,71 +249,33 @@ fn check_rust_version() {
fn build_elf ( command : & str , args : & [ & str ] ) {
let rustflags = env ::var ( "RUSTFLAGS" ) . unwrap_or_default ( )
+ & format! ( " -L{}/libctru/lib -lctru" , env ::var ( "DEVKITPRO" ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut process = Command ::new ( "cargo" )
. arg ( command )
. arg ( "-Z" )
. arg ( "build-std" )
. arg ( "--target" )
. arg ( "armv6k-nintendo-3ds" )
. args ( args )
. env ( "RUSTFLAGS" , rustflags )
. stdin ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stdout ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stderr ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. spawn ( )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let status = process . wait ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if ! status . success ( ) {
process ::exit ( status . code ( ) . unwrap_or ( 1 ) ) ;
fn get_metadata ( args : & [ & str ] , opt_level : & str ) -> CTRConfig {
fn get_metadata ( messages : & [ Message ] ) -> CTRConfig {
let metadata = MetadataCommand ::new ( )
. exec ( )
. expect ( "Failed to get cargo metadata" ) ;
let target_dir = & metadata . target_directory ;
let package : & Package ;
let binary_name : String ;
let target_path : String ;
// Check if we compiled the crate or an example
if let Some ( example_pos ) = args . iter ( ) . position ( | arg | * arg = = "--example" ) {
let example_name = * args . get ( example_pos + 1 ) . expect ( "No example given" ) ;
// Find the example's package
package = metadata
. packages
. iter ( )
. find ( | pkg | {
pkg . targets . iter ( ) . any ( | target | {
target . name = = example_name & & target . kind . iter ( ) . any ( | kind | kind = = "example" )
} )
} )
. expect ( "Could not find package for example" ) ;
binary_name = format! ( "{} - {} example" , example_name , package . name ) ;
target_path = format! (
"{}/armv6k-nintendo-3ds/{}/examples/{}" ,
target_dir , opt_level , example_name
) ;
} else {
// Otherwise get the current/root crate
package = metadata . root_package ( ) . expect ( "No root crate found" ) ;
binary_name = package . name . clone ( ) ;
target_path = format! (
"{}/armv6k-nintendo-3ds/{}/{}" ,
target_dir , opt_level , package . name
) ;
let mut package = None ;
let mut artifact = None ;
// Extract the final built executable. We may want to fail in cases where
// multiple executables, or none, were built?
for message in messages . iter ( ) . rev ( ) {
if let Message ::CompilerArtifact ( art ) = message {
if art . executable . is_some ( ) {
package = Some ( metadata [ & art . package_id ] . clone ( ) ) ;
artifact = Some ( art . clone ( ) ) ;
break ;
if package . is_none ( ) | | artifact . is_none ( ) {
eprintln! ( "No executable found from build command output!" ) ;
process ::exit ( 1 ) ;
let ( package , artifact ) = ( package . unwrap ( ) , artifact . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut icon = String ::from ( "./icon.png" ) ;
if ! Path ::new ( & icon ) . exists ( ) {
@ -250,16 +285,27 @@ fn get_metadata(args: &[&str], opt_level: &str) -> CTRConfig {
@@ -250,16 +285,27 @@ fn get_metadata(args: &[&str], opt_level: &str) -> CTRConfig {
) ;
// for now assume a single "kind" since we only support one output artifact
let name = match artifact . target . kind [ 0 ] . as_ref ( ) {
"bin" | "lib" | "rlib" | "dylib" if artifact . target . test = > {
format! ( "{} tests" , artifact . target . name )
"example" = > {
format! ( "{} - {} example" , artifact . target . name , package . name )
_ = > artifact . target . name ,
} ;
CTRConfig {
name : binary_name ,
name ,
author : package . authors [ 0 ] . clone ( ) ,
description : package
. description
. clone ( )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | String ::from ( "Homebrew Application" ) ) ,
icon ,
target_path ,
cargo_manifest_path : package . manifest_path . clone ( ) . into ( ) ,
target_path : artifact . executable . unwrap ( ) . into ( ) ,
cargo_manifest_path : package . manifest_path . into ( ) ,
@ -270,7 +316,7 @@ fn build_smdh(config: &CTRConfig) {
@@ -270,7 +316,7 @@ fn build_smdh(config: &CTRConfig) {
. arg ( & config . description )
. arg ( & config . author )
. arg ( & config . icon )
. arg ( format! ( "{}.smdh" , config . target_path ) )
. arg ( config . path_smdh ( ) )
. stdin ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stdout ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stderr ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
@ -287,15 +333,15 @@ fn build_smdh(config: &CTRConfig) {
@@ -287,15 +333,15 @@ fn build_smdh(config: &CTRConfig) {
fn build_3dsx ( config : & CTRConfig ) {
let mut command = Command ::new ( "3dsxtool" ) ;
let mut process = command
. arg ( format! ( "{}.elf" , config . target_path ) )
. arg ( format! ( "{}.3dsx" , config . target_path ) )
. arg ( format! ( "--smdh={}.smdh " , config . target_path ) ) ;
. arg ( & config . target_path )
. arg ( config . path_3dsx ( ) )
. arg ( format! ( "--smdh={}" , config . path_smdh ( ) . to_string_lossy ( ) ) ) ;
// If romfs directory exists, automatically include it
let ( romfs_path , is_default_romfs ) = get_romfs_path ( config ) ;
if romfs_path . is_dir ( ) {
println! ( "Adding RomFS from {}" , romfs_path . display ( ) ) ;
process = process . arg ( format! ( "--romfs={}" , romfs_path . displa y( ) ) ) ;
process = process . arg ( format! ( "--romfs={}" , romfs_path . to_string_loss y( ) ) ) ;
} else if ! is_default_romfs {
eprintln! (
"Could not find configured RomFS dir: {}" ,
@ -320,7 +366,7 @@ fn build_3dsx(config: &CTRConfig) {
@@ -320,7 +366,7 @@ fn build_3dsx(config: &CTRConfig) {
fn link ( config : & CTRConfig ) {
let mut process = Command ::new ( "3dslink" )
. arg ( format! ( "{}.3dsx" , config . target_path ) )
. arg ( config . path_3dsx ( ) )
. stdin ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stdout ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
. stderr ( Stdio ::inherit ( ) )
@ -334,7 +380,7 @@ fn link(config: &CTRConfig) {
@@ -334,7 +380,7 @@ fn link(config: &CTRConfig) {
/// Read the RomFS path from the Cargo manifest. If it's unset, use the default.
/// Read the ` RomFS` path from the Cargo manifest. If it's unset, use the default.
/// The returned boolean is true when the default is used.
fn get_romfs_path ( config : & CTRConfig ) -> ( PathBuf , bool ) {
let manifest_path = & config . cargo_manifest_path ;