@ -96,6 +96,18 @@ executable arguments, *another* `--` can be used. For example:
@@ -96,6 +96,18 @@ executable arguments, *another* `--` can be used. For example:
This works without two `--` instances because `--verbose` begins the set of
`cargo` arguments and ends the set of 3DS-specific arguments.
### Caveats
Due to the fact that only one executable at a time can be sent with `3dslink`,
by default only the "last" executable built will be used. If a `test` or `run`
command builds more than one binary, you may need to filter it in order to run
the executable you want.
Doc tests sort of work, but `cargo-3ds` uses a number of unstable cargo and
rustdoc features to make them work, so the output won't be as pretty and will
require some manual workarounds to actually run the tests and see output from them.
For now, `cargo 3ds test --doc` will not build a 3dsx file or use `3dslink` at all.
## License
This project is distributed under the MIT license or the Apache-2.0 license.