gridVisited =[['#']] posHead = [0, 0] posTail = [] # drawgrid only used for visualized debugging def drawGrid(): visualGrid = [] for yCoord in range(len(gridVisited)): visualGridLine = [] for xCoord in range(len(gridVisited[0])): if posHead[0] == yCoord and posHead[1] == xCoord: visualGridLine.append('H') continue haveAppended = False for tp in range(9): if posTail[tp][0] == yCoord and posTail[tp][1] == xCoord: visualGridLine.append(str(tp+1)) haveAppended = True break if not haveAppended: if gridVisited[yCoord][xCoord] == '#': visualGridLine.append('#') else: visualGridLine.append('.') visualGrid.append(visualGridLine) for ln in visualGrid: print("".join(ln)) input("Ready for next move?") def expandGrid(direct): if direct == "U": gridVisited.insert(0, []) for _ in range(len(gridVisited[1])): gridVisited[0].append('.') posHead[0] = posHead[0] + 1 for i in range(len(posTail)): posTail[i][0] = posTail[i][0] + 1 elif direct == "R": for i in range(len(gridVisited)): gridVisited[i].append('.') elif direct == "D": gridVisited.append([]) tempx = len(gridVisited) - 1 for _ in range(len(gridVisited[0])): gridVisited[tempx].append('.') elif direct == "L": for i in range(len(gridVisited)): gridVisited[i].insert(0, '.') posHead[1] = posHead[1] + 1 for i in range(len(posTail)): posTail[i][1] = posTail[i][1] + 1 def checkDist(): for z in range(9): if z == 0: one = posHead else: one = posTail[z-1] two = posTail[z] tempa = one[1] - two[1] tempb = one[0] - two[0] tempd = tempa * tempb if one[0] == two[0]: if not(tempa == 1 or tempa == -1): if tempa > 0: posTail[z][1] += 1 elif tempa < 0: posTail[z][1] -= 1 elif one[1] == two[1]: if not(tempb == 1 or tempb == -1): if tempb > 0: posTail[z][0] += 1 elif tempb < 0: posTail[z][0] -= 1 elif (tempd in [-2, -4]) and tempb < 0: posTail[z][0] -= 1 posTail[z][1] += 1 elif (tempd in [2, 4]) and tempb > 0: posTail[z][0] += 1 posTail[z][1] += 1 elif (tempd in [-2, -4]) and tempb > 0: posTail[z][0] += 1 posTail[z][1] -= 1 elif (tempd in [2, 4]) and tempb < 0: posTail[z][0] -= 1 posTail[z][1] -= 1 # print(posTail[8]) gridVisited[posTail[8][0]][posTail[8][1]] = '#' # drawGrid() for _ in range(9): posTail.append([0,0]) with open('input9.txt','r') as f: inp = direction = [] distance = [] for i in inp: tempa, tempb = i.split(' ') direction.append(tempa) distance.append(int(tempb)) for x in range(len(direction)): if direction[x] == 'U': for y in range(distance[x]): if posHead[0] == 0: expandGrid("U") posHead[0] -= 1 checkDist() elif direction[x] == 'R': for y in range(distance[x]): if posHead[1] == len(gridVisited[0])-1: expandGrid("R") posHead[1] += 1 checkDist() elif direction[x] == 'D': for y in range(distance[x]): if posHead[0] == len(gridVisited) - 1: expandGrid("D") posHead[0] += 1 checkDist() elif direction[x] == 'L': for y in range(distance[x]): if posHead[1] == 0: expandGrid("L") posHead[1] -= 1 checkDist() visited = 0 for i in gridVisited: for x in i: if x == '#': visited += 1 print(visited)