my advent of code 2021 solutions
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targetx = (175, 227) #(20, 30)
targety = (-134, -79) #(-10, -5)
trajectories = []
class probe:
def __init__(self, velo):
self.probe_position = (0, 0)
self.velocity = velo
self.initial_velo = velo
def steppy(self):
while self.probe_position[0] < targetx[1] and self.probe_position[1] > targety[0]:
x, y = self.probe_position
velox, veloy = self.velocity
x += velox
y += veloy
if x >= targetx[0] and x <= targetx[1] and y <= targety[1] and y >= targety[0]:
return self.initial_velo
veloy -= 1
if velox != 0:
if velox < 0:
velox += 1
if velox > 0:
velox -= 1
self.probe_position = (x, y)
self.velocity = (velox, veloy)
return None
for yvelo in range(targety[0], 0 - targety[0]):
for xvelo in range(1, targetx[1] + 1):
prob = probe((xvelo, yvelo))
t = prob.steppy()
if t is not None:
del prob