Luna Lailatova
3 years ago
5 changed files with 294 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
import math |
import sys |
def check_nested(inp): |
peg_counter = 0 |
found = False |
found2 = False |
pair = '' |
high_peg = None |
for i in range(len(inp)): |
if inp[i] == '[': |
peg_counter += 1 |
if peg_counter > 4: |
found = True |
high_peg = peg_counter |
pair = '' |
start = i |
if inp[i] == ']': |
peg_counter -= 1 |
if found: |
pair += inp[i] |
if found and peg_counter == high_peg - 1: |
end = i |
found2 = True |
break |
if found2: |
#print('Exploding ', pair) |
pair = pair[1:-1] |
left, rigth = pair.split(',') |
tempnum = '' |
digit_check = False |
for i in range(end, len(inp)): |
if inp[i].isdigit(): |
digit_check = True |
digit_start = i |
tempnum += inp[i] |
#print('tempnum: ', tempnum) |
if (inp[i] == ',' or inp[i] == ']') and digit_check: |
# print('Replacing ', inp[i - len(tempnum):i], ' with ', str(int(tempnum) + int(rigth)), ' (', str(tempnum), ' + ' , str(rigth) + ')') |
inp = inp[:i - len(tempnum)] + str(int(tempnum) + int(rigth)) + inp[i:] |
break |
# print('Replacing ', inp[start:end+1], ' with zero') |
# print('B: ', inp) |
inp = inp[:start] + '0' + inp[end + 1:] |
# print('A: ', inp) |
tempnum = '' |
digit_check = False |
for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1): |
if inp[i].isdigit(): |
digit_check = True |
digit_start = i |
tempnum = inp[i] + tempnum |
if (inp[i] == ',' or inp[i] == '[' ) and digit_check: |
# print('Replacing ', inp[i+1:i+len(tempnum)+1], ' with ', str(int(tempnum) + int(left))) |
inp = inp[:i + 1] + str(int(tempnum) + int(left)) + inp[len(tempnum) + i + 1:] |
break |
# print(inp) |
return (inp, found2) |
def check_split(inp): |
checkmarker = 0 |
found = False |
for i in range(len(inp)): |
if inp[i].isdigit(): |
checkmarker += 1 |
else: |
checkmarker = 0 |
if checkmarker == 2: |
number_pos = i |
number = int(inp[i-1] + inp[i]) |
number = number/2 |
found = True |
break |
if found: |
new_pair = '[' + str(math.trunc(number)) + ',' + str(math.ceil(number)) + ']' |
#print('Replacing ', inp[number_pos - 1:number_pos+1], ' with ', new_pair) |
inp = inp[:number_pos - 1] + new_pair + inp[number_pos + 1:] |
#print(inp) |
return (inp, found) |
def magnitude(inp): |
found = False |
number = '' |
start = None |
end = None |
for i in range(len(inp)): |
if inp[i] == '[': |
start = i |
if inp[i] == ']': |
end = i |
break |
if start is None: |
start = 0 |
if end is None: |
end = len(inp) |
for i in range(start, end): |
number += inp[i] |
if ',' in number: |
found = True |
left, rigth = number.split(',') |
left = left[1:] |
number = str(int(left)*3 + int(rigth)*2) |
inp = inp[:start] + number + inp[end + 1:] |
else: |
inp = number |
return (inp, found) |
def reduct(inp): |
reduction = True |
while reduction: |
eplode = True |
split = True |
while eplode: |
inp, eplode = check_nested(inp) |
reduction = False |
inp, split = check_split(inp) |
if split: |
reduction = True |
return(inp) |
inp = [] |
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: |
for g in f.readlines(): |
g = g.strip() |
inp.append(g) |
if sys.argv[2] == 'part1': |
imp = inp[0] |
inp.pop(0) |
while len(inp) > 0: |
print('___________________') |
print(imp) |
print('+', inp[0]) |
imp = '[' + imp + ',' + inp[0] + ']' |
inp.pop(0) |
imp = reduct(imp) |
print('=', imp) |
print('___________________') |
done_check = True |
while done_check: |
imp, done_check = magnitude(imp) |
print(imp, done_check) |
if sys.argv[2] == 'part2': |
high_mag = 0 |
for i in inp: |
for f in inp: |
if f != i: |
imp = '[' + i + ',' + f + ']' |
imp = reduct(imp) |
done_check = True |
while done_check: |
imp, done_check = magnitude(imp) |
if int(imp) > high_mag: |
high_mag = int(imp) |
print(high_mag) |
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
[[[3,[8,6]],[6,1]],[[[1,1],2],[[1,0],0]]] |
[[[1,[7,3]],1],9] |
[[[2,6],[[3,1],[0,9]]],[[7,[4,8]],[[2,7],3]]] |
[[[3,[0,4]],[[8,4],[1,9]]],[7,[2,[5,7]]]] |
[[[4,5],[[0,7],1]],[9,[0,4]]] |
[[5,[[1,5],[3,6]]],8] |
[[3,[[9,3],9]],9] |
[2,[[[2,1],[0,5]],[9,9]]] |
[[2,[6,9]],[[[4,1],0],[3,4]]] |
[[[[6,8],0],[[8,8],9]],[[[4,2],3],[3,[7,3]]]] |
[[3,7],9] |
[[[[2,5],8],[2,5]],[[0,[5,7]],[[2,5],4]]] |
[[[8,[6,6]],0],[4,[[5,6],[8,4]]]] |
[[[1,[8,2]],[[0,4],[2,6]]],[[3,4],0]] |
[[1,[[9,2],[6,0]]],[[[0,9],5],[[8,0],[1,5]]]] |
[[2,[[2,3],[1,8]]],[3,[[7,2],[0,7]]]] |
[[5,4],5] |
[[[[4,2],[4,8]],[7,3]],[0,[[8,9],6]]] |
[[[6,7],0],5] |
[[2,[[9,0],[8,4]]],[[[7,4],[3,4]],0]] |
[[[9,[8,9]],1],[[5,[6,7]],3]] |
[[2,[0,0]],[3,[[2,5],[1,4]]]] |
[[0,1],[0,[[8,8],[8,3]]]] |
[[[0,2],[2,8]],[1,[[7,0],0]]] |
[[[[5,4],3],[[7,5],[2,6]]],[[5,8],[0,1]]] |
[0,[0,0]] |
[[5,[[5,6],0]],[[[2,7],9],[7,9]]] |
[[[[0,8],2],[[2,5],[7,6]]],[[9,7],[[8,7],[9,2]]]] |
[[[0,[4,6]],[[6,3],[4,4]]],[8,[[4,8],[4,8]]]] |
[[[[8,9],[3,8]],8],[[[7,9],6],[9,[2,7]]]] |
[[[[8,9],[1,6]],0],[[[8,7],4],[9,[1,4]]]] |
[5,7] |
[[[[1,5],[3,6]],[[5,5],4]],[[3,3],[4,[4,0]]]] |
[[[0,6],[5,[5,3]]],[[4,[0,0]],8]] |
[7,[6,8]] |
[[[[8,5],9],[[3,2],7]],[[[6,6],5],2]] |
[[[[4,4],[0,4]],9],0] |
[[0,[3,[9,3]]],[9,[[8,0],[0,9]]]] |
[[[[4,0],0],[1,[1,7]]],[[3,[3,0]],[[1,3],6]]] |
[[9,4],[3,[[7,1],6]]] |
[[[[3,7],7],1],[[4,3],[[6,9],[6,9]]]] |
[[[8,[2,5]],[[8,4],4]],[[[3,4],[6,7]],[5,[8,5]]]] |
[2,[4,[[3,2],7]]] |
[[[[3,1],[5,6]],[[2,7],7]],[4,[8,[7,4]]]] |
[[7,8],[[[3,9],7],2]] |
[[[[8,8],[5,8]],[[1,0],[6,0]]],[[[1,2],6],[[4,2],[5,5]]]] |
[[1,[0,9]],[[[2,1],1],1]] |
[[6,[8,1]],[4,[[7,8],5]]] |
[[[1,[1,6]],[1,[5,7]]],[[[2,8],6],0]] |
[9,1] |
[[[0,[6,5]],[[8,5],2]],[[[2,4],[7,3]],[[1,5],[9,2]]]] |
[[[2,7],[0,[3,6]]],[[[1,0],[9,6]],[1,[0,4]]]] |
[6,[[[5,9],8],[0,2]]] |
[7,[[[9,4],[8,6]],[[1,1],1]]] |
[[[2,1],0],8] |
[1,[[6,[1,4]],[[0,0],[1,9]]]] |
[[[1,[7,9]],2],8] |
[[[[0,9],2],[[8,4],9]],[0,[[7,7],[4,8]]]] |
[[1,[2,[1,8]]],[[[3,6],[2,1]],[3,[5,0]]]] |
[[3,3],[3,5]] |
[[[[9,3],[4,3]],[5,[8,1]]],[[6,[5,0]],9]] |
[0,[[9,[3,5]],3]] |
[[[9,1],0],[[[5,9],[8,0]],[7,[4,8]]]] |
[[[[7,7],8],3],[[[6,6],[6,5]],[6,4]]] |
[[[[3,7],1],[9,[4,2]]],[[9,[2,5]],[[9,0],5]]] |
[5,[[0,2],6]] |
[[[[2,7],[5,3]],[1,8]],2] |
[[[8,[7,7]],[9,[0,0]]],4] |
[[[4,[1,4]],0],[[[8,7],8],[[4,1],7]]] |
[[[[0,6],0],[[3,2],[9,8]]],[[9,[4,5]],[[7,7],[0,8]]]] |
[[[[6,3],3],[[1,5],7]],[[0,1],[7,7]]] |
[[[[2,0],2],[3,[3,5]]],[[[0,8],[8,2]],[[0,6],5]]] |
[[[6,[5,3]],[[5,5],9]],[[5,9],[[8,7],[3,7]]]] |
[[[[1,7],[3,4]],[9,2]],1] |
[[[[8,2],6],1],[[5,[2,7]],[3,9]]] |
[5,[5,7]] |
[[[[9,8],[3,4]],[[2,5],[5,6]]],[[[2,7],7],[9,[8,7]]]] |
[[[1,4],[[6,1],[1,3]]],[1,[7,[1,7]]]] |
[[[[1,4],8],[[5,1],8]],[[[1,3],[6,9]],[6,[3,3]]]] |
[[[[4,0],[0,7]],[4,5]],[4,2]] |
[3,8] |
[7,[[[7,6],5],[[6,6],5]]] |
[[[5,[0,5]],[4,4]],[3,[[4,2],[7,0]]]] |
[[[[7,9],8],[9,6]],[5,0]] |
[[[[3,0],[5,2]],1],[[[6,9],[5,3]],[[2,5],[6,3]]]] |
[7,[[[7,7],[4,5]],[9,2]]] |
[[7,[[4,2],[9,3]]],[7,[6,1]]] |
[7,9] |
[[[8,[8,1]],[[7,3],1]],[[9,8],[2,[8,3]]]] |
[[[9,3],3],3] |
[[[8,[5,7]],[[2,1],[1,3]]],[[[3,5],2],0]] |
[[[8,8],0],[[1,4],[[8,6],9]]] |
[[9,[3,[3,0]]],[1,7]] |
[1,[[[8,8],1],[2,[0,5]]]] |
[[0,[1,5]],[9,[0,[9,0]]]] |
[1,[[[1,1],[8,3]],[1,8]]] |
[[5,[[7,7],[3,3]]],[[[6,6],[7,8]],[1,[0,0]]]] |
[[[[6,7],1],[0,2]],[[[4,2],[7,6]],[[8,4],[4,9]]]] |
[[6,[[3,3],[9,0]]],[1,[[4,5],4]]] |
[[[[3,4],7],[9,0]],[[[4,5],1],[[5,1],[9,3]]]] |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
[[[0,[5,8]],[[1,7],[9,6]]],[[4,[1,2]],[[1,4],2]]] |
[[[5,[2,8]],4],[5,[[9,9],0]]] |
[6,[[[6,2],[5,6]],[[7,6],[4,7]]]] |
[[[6,[0,7]],[0,9]],[4,[9,[9,0]]]] |
[[[7,[6,4]],[3,[1,3]]],[[[5,5],1],9]] |
[[6,[[7,3],[3,2]]],[[[3,8],[5,7]],4]] |
[[[[5,4],[7,7]],8],[[8,3],8]] |
[[9,3],[[9,9],[6,[4,9]]]] |
[[2,[[7,7],7]],[[5,8],[[9,3],[0,2]]]] |
[[[[5,2],5],[8,[3,7]]],[[5,[7,5]],[4,4]]] |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
[[[0,[4,5]],[0,0]],[[[4,5],[2,6]],[9,5]]] |
[7,[[[3,7],[4,3]],[[6,3],[8,8]]]] |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
[[[0,[4,5]],[0,0]],[[[4,5],[2,6]],[9,5]]] |
[7,[[[3,7],[4,3]],[[6,3],[8,8]]]] |
[[2,[[0,8],[3,4]]],[[[6,7],1],[7,[1,6]]]] |
[[[[2,4],7],[6,[0,5]]],[[[6,8],[2,8]],[[2,1],[4,5]]]] |
[7,[5,[[3,8],[1,4]]]] |
[[2,[2,2]],[8,[8,1]]] |
[2,9] |
[1,[[[9,3],9],[[9,0],[0,7]]]] |
[[[5,[7,4]],7],1] |
[[[[4,2],2],6],[8,7]] |
Reference in new issue