my advent of code 2021 solutions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

173 lines
4.5 KiB

2 years ago
import math
import sys
def check_nested(inp):
peg_counter = 0
found = False
found2 = False
pair = ''
high_peg = None
for i in range(len(inp)):
if inp[i] == '[':
peg_counter += 1
if peg_counter > 4:
found = True
high_peg = peg_counter
pair = ''
start = i
if inp[i] == ']':
peg_counter -= 1
if found:
pair += inp[i]
if found and peg_counter == high_peg - 1:
end = i
found2 = True
if found2:
#print('Exploding ', pair)
pair = pair[1:-1]
left, rigth = pair.split(',')
tempnum = ''
digit_check = False
for i in range(end, len(inp)):
if inp[i].isdigit():
digit_check = True
digit_start = i
tempnum += inp[i]
#print('tempnum: ', tempnum)
if (inp[i] == ',' or inp[i] == ']') and digit_check:
# print('Replacing ', inp[i - len(tempnum):i], ' with ', str(int(tempnum) + int(rigth)), ' (', str(tempnum), ' + ' , str(rigth) + ')')
inp = inp[:i - len(tempnum)] + str(int(tempnum) + int(rigth)) + inp[i:]
# print('Replacing ', inp[start:end+1], ' with zero')
# print('B: ', inp)
inp = inp[:start] + '0' + inp[end + 1:]
# print('A: ', inp)
tempnum = ''
digit_check = False
for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1):
if inp[i].isdigit():
digit_check = True
digit_start = i
tempnum = inp[i] + tempnum
if (inp[i] == ',' or inp[i] == '[' ) and digit_check:
# print('Replacing ', inp[i+1:i+len(tempnum)+1], ' with ', str(int(tempnum) + int(left)))
inp = inp[:i + 1] + str(int(tempnum) + int(left)) + inp[len(tempnum) + i + 1:]
# print(inp)
return (inp, found2)
def check_split(inp):
checkmarker = 0
found = False
for i in range(len(inp)):
if inp[i].isdigit():
checkmarker += 1
checkmarker = 0
if checkmarker == 2:
number_pos = i
number = int(inp[i-1] + inp[i])
number = number/2
found = True
if found:
new_pair = '[' + str(math.trunc(number)) + ',' + str(math.ceil(number)) + ']'
#print('Replacing ', inp[number_pos - 1:number_pos+1], ' with ', new_pair)
inp = inp[:number_pos - 1] + new_pair + inp[number_pos + 1:]
return (inp, found)
def magnitude(inp):
found = False
number = ''
start = None
end = None
for i in range(len(inp)):
if inp[i] == '[':
start = i
if inp[i] == ']':
end = i
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = len(inp)
for i in range(start, end):
number += inp[i]
if ',' in number:
found = True
left, rigth = number.split(',')
left = left[1:]
number = str(int(left)*3 + int(rigth)*2)
inp = inp[:start] + number + inp[end + 1:]
inp = number
return (inp, found)
def reduct(inp):
reduction = True
while reduction:
eplode = True
split = True
while eplode:
inp, eplode = check_nested(inp)
reduction = False
inp, split = check_split(inp)
if split:
reduction = True
inp = []
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
for g in f.readlines():
g = g.strip()
if sys.argv[2] == 'part1':
imp = inp[0]
while len(inp) > 0:
print('+', inp[0])
imp = '[' + imp + ',' + inp[0] + ']'
imp = reduct(imp)
print('=', imp)
done_check = True
while done_check:
imp, done_check = magnitude(imp)
print(imp, done_check)
if sys.argv[2] == 'part2':
high_mag = 0
for i in inp:
for f in inp:
if f != i:
imp = '[' + i + ',' + f + ']'
imp = reduct(imp)
done_check = True
while done_check:
imp, done_check = magnitude(imp)
if int(imp) > high_mag:
high_mag = int(imp)